What is a hero? In our world, there’s lots of answers to this but what if you lived in a world where there was an occupation called Hero? One where you could go to school and train to have such a career. What kind of problems would a world like that have, what kind of concerns could crop up when the idea of helping others is a literal job one must qualify for. You could get pushback, you could get Villains. What is the League of Villains? Let’s find out!
In a world where roughly eighty percent of all people have some super power, a “Quirk” new rules had to be made. When Quirks first found their way into society, there was chaos. Years of those with powers forcing their might makes right attitude on the masses. To stand against those who would use their powers for selfish reasons, a group of people became like the heroes of comic books. They fought to help bring back order to the world and its new reality of Quirks.
When the dust had settled, only a small fraction of the heroes who helped bring society back to a functioning order were even allowed to continue on as legally defined Heroes. The world began to accept that while one may have a Quirk and it’s their right to have it, it’s not their right to use it freely unless one gets a job that would allow it, the main one being Hero. Heroes could use their powers in the pursuit of fighting crime.
As time went on, many got used to the idea that Quirks were meant for Heroes to flex freely. Also, that Heroes were the ones to deal with helping others. Many people began to experience a “not my problem” mentality when it came to seeing others in trouble. It’s a Hero’s job to help others, some could get complacent in sticking to themselves when they might even be able to help one another instead.

This could lead to a child being left to wander around, alone, in need of help, waiting for a Hero that never arrived. Instead, one of the deadliest and most powerful Villains would find the child and raise him to see the errors with modern society and how Heroes are hurting just as much, if not more, as they are helping. This child would become the protégé of this Villain and instill in the growing boy his ideals about destroying Heroes and the society who praises them.
Tomura Shigaraki was that child, now a man, he’s taken to finding others who have been burned by the system. He finds those who wish to lash out at society and gives them a purpose, his purpose. His Quirk, the ability to disintegrate whatever he touches with all five finger tips, gives him the strength back up he needs, but his main weapon is his determination to strike back. He is tired of the world being as it is and thrills in making others fear him and his team.
The members he gains often have terrifying Quirks but some are just troubled individuals looking for a family. His mentor, All-For-One, has been preparing him to take over for him, passing on the torch of his villainy. The League of Villains has survived at times that it was likely they should have been crushed. They have been gaining in power to a dangerous degree and soon the whole world may know the threat of the League of Villains.

The League of Villains has been the longest lasting antagonist of My Hero Academia. They’ve been in animation on the big and small screen. What they will do next is still ongoing. See you next time!
Suggested Reading
My Hero Academia
Dr. Bustos