Long Beach Comic Expo 2014

Long Beach Comic Expo 2014

Last year, Long Beach Comic Con decided to expand and have a one day smaller con, Long Beach Comic Expo, earlier in the year along with its usual convention later in the fall. This year, the con has grown to two days and takes up much more space than the last. This year’s Expo was bigger in every way, space, attendance, and cosplay. Let’s get to the photos!

101B8950One of the first cosplays I saw on Sunday. Due to some technical issues, I didn’t have my camera available on Saturday. Saturday had double the cosplay of Sunday. Sunday had tons already.

101B9010The place was really crowded and filled with eager people cosplaying or looking to buy comics or toys.

101B9050Webcomic of the Month for April of last year, Boston Metaphysical Society‘s Madeline Holly-Rosing was there. Always nice to run into her. Are you reading the comic?

101B9070Dustin Nguyen, who is currently working on Batman: Eternal and helped make one of my favorite series of all time, Li’l Gotham, was there and had plenty of prints available and taking photos with attendees. He remembered that we talked at WonderCon two years ago.

101B9130The Devastator was on hand with plenty of comics with funny stuff in them. You reading those? They got quite the deal going on right now.

101B9330I shouted “HE HAS THE BOXING GLOVE ARROW!” all the way from the elevator. Everyone understood my enthusiasm.

101B9360Gotta love the palette swap.

101B9380Spidey was taking selfies through out the show. He was a triple-threat, photographer, adventurer, and student.

101B9170The flag was a nice touch for this assassin who was ready to strike at a moments notice. Though I did always know where he was…

101B9250These two were great and ready to bring out the Disney magic at a moments notice. They have a Facebook fan page!

101B9300I knew who to call and was able to keep my mind clear when it came time to choose and perish.

101B9310That’s a good way to end the show. I wish I could bookend end it with a picture of Batman so we have the inspiration and the inspired. Thanks Zorro.

101B9160While the show was on the top floor of the convention center, the cosplay went all over the whole building. Just A+ stuff all around. I wish I could have gotten more photos. Full on leather craft and metal work in some. It was a fun con and I hear that next years will be even bigger. We still got Long Beach Comic Con in September so maybe I’ll see you then!

Dr. Alexander Bustos



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