Character Spotlight: Danny the Street

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Danny the Street? Good news! He’ll come to you! Danny the Street might be one of the strangest, yet sweetest, superheroes out there. He’s up there with Mogo, the planet Green Lantern for places you must visit if you ever find yourself in the DC comics universe. Maybe you’ve been lucky enough to wander down a street with gun shops and sporting good stores decorated with pink lace and feather boas. So what exactly is Danny the Street? Let’s find out!

Danny the Street is a city block who has gained sentience and because of this, he can move where he pleases, finding a way to squeeze himself in between pre-existing streets to make his own home wherever he pleases. Danny uses this ability to appear as a resting place for outcasts and misfits to rest or live, and feel safe  knowing that Danny is their friend. There may one day appear to be a new street between 5th and 6th Street in New York City or right next to Main Street in a sleepy little town until he decides to move on again.

Danny’s street is filled with all forms of entertainment, such as drag show revues and other such shows like The Perpetual Cabaret. Communication with Danny is done through either signs found along the street, trash and other detritus forming words, or the very steam vapor from manholes taking shapes. Danny would eventually become a safe haven for other superheroes as well, becoming the Doom Patrol’s headquarters and other heroes were allowed to recover there in their times of need.

Since Danny was a living being and he would grow, becoming so big he had to leave Earth as he became Danny the World. Here, he would take in as many wayward souls who wanted or needed a place to be safe. He had brought with him Crazy Jane, a member of the Doom Patrol. Danny the World would be devastated by the villainous Mr. Somebody, leaving only Danny the Brick, able to communicate only through indentations on his brick form, Crazy Jane would carry him around until he was able to reconstitute himself as a new Danny the World. This new World form had Danny creating citizens whole cloth from his imagination.

In the New 52, Danny was once a human teenager who had worked with the teenage superhero Red Robin before becoming Danny the Street. As he grew in power he becomes Dannyland, a living amusement park and creates his own companion who helps him communicate and concentrate his powers even further, allowing him to time travel. When in danger, he calls upon the assistance of the Doom Patrol for aide.

There you have it! One of my favorite superheroes and who I desperately hope appears in the new live-action Doom Patrol TV series. Where will Danny end up next and in what form? Who knows but I hope it’s on the big or small screen in some way! See you next time!

Suggested Reading
Doom Patrol Vol. 2, #35
Teen Titans Vol. 4, #3

Dr. Bustos

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