Comics Are My Religion: Horror & Sci-Fi Are My Religion, Too (With John W. Morehead)

Welcome to Comics Are My Religion, a look at theology through the lens of comic books. There are some basic ground rules about engaging in respectful dialog about religion in this column.

The Comics Are My Religion Podcast returns this month, with a great conversation with John W. Morehead. Who’s he, you ask? First, he’s awesome. Second, he is the director of the Western Institute for Intercultural Studies & Director of the Evangelical Chapter of the Foundation for Religious Diplomacy. Think all evangelical Christians are bigoted and close-minded? Think again!

John also runs a cool website called, which explores the sacred in everything from horror to sci-fi to fantasy, in every form of media imaginable. Go check out his stuff!

Comics Are My Religion Podcast: Horror & Sci-Fi Are My Religion, Too!
You can click the link to listen to the podcast or right click “save link as” to download it.

If you have any comments, questions, or want to continue the conversation that we start in the podcast, visit the Forums, or shoot me an e-mail!

Jeff Jackson

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Moses

    Great interview Jeff. TheoFantastique looks like a great site.

    I had some friends from church that were critical of my interest in X-Men. Those friends parents wouldn’t let them hang out with me. After my mother (who was reading X-Men books too) did some digging, she found out that the big problem was Nightcrawler, because he looks like a demon. And if he looked like a demon, then obviously I was reading demonic stuff. Ironic, since Nightcrawler was a Christian…

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