IDW Previews: Belladonna OGN

How often do we here at spotlight a preview of an upcoming comic in the homepage slide-show? Not too often, right? Well then listen up because artist J.K. Woodward (Fallen Angel, X-Men Origins: Beast) and writer Ben Ross have a new OGN (original graphic novel) hitting the stands this Wednesday from IDW called Belladonna; we here at Comic Attack are strong supporters of J.K’s work and are happy to provide a preview of the book! The story focuses around the title character who awakens in a hospital after being comatose for months, and embarks on an adventurous quest to discover her past.

J.K. describes the work as, “…an exploration of nature versus nurture. Basically the hero has no memory of who she is and she ends up getting in all this trouble trying to find out who she is. She’s not really thrilled to find out her past and wonders if that’s who she really is or what she [has] learned to be. Within that context there is a lot of gun fights, action, and kick-ass motorcycle jumps, but what I found interesting was her journey of self-discovery leading straight to her inner demons. The art, I would describe as an almost impressionistic approach to watercolour, inspired by a similar style used by Tim Sale in books like Daredevil: Yellow.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: J.K. Woodward’s art is downright gorgeous. His style and vibrant use of color totally breaks the the typical comic book mold, offering something fresh and original on the sequential scene. It’s full of life and texture, immersing the reader in the fictional world of the characters portrayed. I mean just look at the panel on page 3 where Belladonna’s eyes go wide after being told what her job was before she ended up in the hospital. It’s telling stuff! After reading Belladonna this week, I highly recommend giving his ongoing run on Fallen Angel a look, which is a 5 volume set from IDW, written/created by Peter David (X-Factor, Halo: Helljumpers). Belladonna racks in at 48 full color action-packed pages with a cover price of $7.99.

For more articles highlighting J.K. Woodward and his work click any of the following links: 1) J.K. talks Fallen Angel: Reborn 2) J.K’s Artist of the Month Spotlight on 3) J.K. joins the Comic Creator’s Alliance in their fight against Human Trafficking 4) Looking Gorgeous with Belladonna

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kristin

    Well, the art is gorgeous anyway.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    I like the fighting attire before the pants and trench coat lol

  3. Billy

    I agree with IS. lol – The artwork is really cool and $7.99 is a good retail.

  4. Andy

    Just an update: Due to malfunctions with Diamond, the release of Belladonna has been pushed back a week.


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