Titan Comics Reviews: Alien Legion: Uncivil War #2

Titan Comics Reviews: Alien Legion: Uncivil War #2

ALUCW2Alien Legion: Uncivil War #2
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Chuck Dixon
Artist: Larry Stroman
Cover: Larry Stroman

Longtime fans of Alien Legion are going to be very excited about this series and how things are playing out so far. Dixon puts together some very big action here as Captain Sarigar is trying to complete what was supposed to be an easy mission. The Nomad group is struggling to stay alive, and it’s not helping that one of their own is complicating the matter.

As stated earlier, this is a wonderful issue for those longtime fans who have been waiting a while to see their favorite characters again. However, this doesn’t seem to want to entice a new reader to pick it up and stick with it. Dixon uses a lot of space slang/dialogue that makes stories like this frustrating to a new reader. Or just someone who may need to be reacquainted with the mythos. Though the first issue did benefit from some background information about the characters, this one is lacking that. Since it’s been about ten years between the last Alien Legion series and this one, you’d think it would be a bit more accessible.

When it comes to the visuals, Larry Stroman is putting Dixon’s sci-fi adventure over the top and making it look great in the process! What makes it stand out are the already unique and very dynamic character designs of the cast while making the story feel very big. Carl Potts and Thomas Mason bring it all together with inks and colors that definitely give Stroman’s work an added kick that fits perfectly with this story.

It’s good to see Alien Legion back on the shelves with Potts, Dixon, and Stroman making the return very much worth it. If you’re a longtime fan of the series then you will not be let down, but a newer reader might be a little lost jumping into this chapter of their sci-fi adventures.

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