Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/23/12

All-Star Western #9 (DC)
Andy: The most forced tie-in ever. Would have stood fine on its own, but with the Night of the Owls banner, this scores a C-.

Amazing Spider-Man #686 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan:
I think I might have to move Mysterio to my 3rd favorite Spidey villain. This book is great!
Infinite Speech: I will weep the day that Slott is no longer on this title!

Aquaman #9 (DC)
Arnab: I do not like Ya’Wara, Black Manta seems to misdirecting his anger, and Mera needs to be featured in more action sequences. B+
Dr. Bustos:
The Prisoner seems like a really interesting character, please don’t kill him DC. Oh, look who I’m talking to. B+
Infinite Speech: I guess the only guy who can avenge the death of his parents and be a good guy is Batman. Sorry Black Manta.
Andy: Who knew Aquaman could stay so enjoyable for 9 straight issues? A

Astonishing X-Men #50 (Marvel)
Andy: Wasn’t there supposed to be a wedding in this issue? I’m all for the social message, but this isn’t 1995, Marvel. B-
Arnab: Marjorie Liu writes people extremely well. Human interaction, powers aside, is what makes her stories so compelling. B+
Iceman was uncharacteristically douchey in this one.

Batman Incorporated #1 (DC)
Arnab: Fan-freaking-tastic! 140 characters doesn’t come close to being enough to express just how awesome this book was. Bruce arrested, Bat-Cow, Damian! A+
I don’t even… bloody and violent, but WTF? This series feels like it’s trying to upstage Batman and Robin. That title is kicking ass right now, and a lot of us have moved on from Morrison’s Batman run… we’ll see. B
Dr. Bustos: Batman Inc. is back! Damian shines when written by Morrison, and we get a sympathetic assassin. Also, Bat-Cow. A
NickZ: Glad to see the return of this book, now if they would only bring back Red Robin’s solo book, I would be happy.

Batman: The Dark Knight #9 (DC)
Arnab: This was actually a well written story from the point of view of one of the most recent Talons. Unfortunately, the cover was so misleading it hurt the overall presentation. B+
Really!?!? You are going to spotlight Red Robin on the cover and he is literally in one panel where he doesn’t even speak?!?! F#*K YOU DC!
Andy: Surprisingly good. Maybe the best issue of this entire series so far, and one of the better Owls tie-ins. B+

Chew #26 (Image)
Arnab: Toni, Tony’s sister, is fantastically awesome. The whole biting in bed thing, brilliant. Chow, Tony’s brother, is scum.

Deadpool #55 (Marvel)
Deadpool is quickly going to have to learn to live without powers. Or you know, add a healer to his one man team. A
NickZ: ‘Pool learns the hard way that life without a healing factor can suck almost as much as shaving.

Dominique LaVeau Voodoo Child #3 (Vertigo)
Andy: Gave it a solid chance, but this isn’t for me. Too bad, because Denys Cowan’s art is perfect for the book. Any old school Milestone fans checking this out? It fits that vibe. C+
Infinite Speech: Hinds and Cowan are slowly gaining my interest with this title.

Fables #117 (Vertigo)
Andy: A cub has to die by the time this arc wraps, right? The Bufkin story is dragging on a bit too long… B

Fantastic Four #606 (Marvel)
Arnab: This was a nice, touching, filler story. It probably would have been better had I known who the old guy with the tumor was. B
Like Body Wars? Love this issue! C+

Ferals #5 (Avatar)
Andy: Need a rated R werewolf fix? Look no further than this series full of horny lycanthrope mayhem! B+

The Flash #9 (DC)
Arnab: Gorrilla Grodd is F’n pyscho. The ending felt a tad rushed though. B+
Dr. Bustos:
I love Gorilla City, they almost make Grodd sympathetic in his desire to not let the city fall. A
NickZ: Grodd is crazy as ever and Manapul’s art is candy for my eye holes.

The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men #9 (DC)
Arnab: Ronnie Raymond is pretty much the only reason I read this book. Jason is written in such a strange, off-putting way. B
I only got this book because of the JLI tie-in, I have no idea what is going on with the army of Firestorms and I really don’t care.

G.I. Joe: Cobra #13 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Costa & Fuso are THE team for this book!

Hero Comics 2012 (Hero Initiative)
Andy: You buy this to support the best charity in the industry. Highlights for me included an original Kevin Eastman TMNT story and a Dave Sim Elephantmen short. B-

I, Vampire #9 (DC)
Arnab: So damn cool. Andrew Bennet is brilliant, the Van Helsings look cool, Tig is still annoying, but the issue was great. A
Decapitated Dan:
I like where this one is heading, but another fight so soon after the crossover. I don’t know, but I am on board.

Journey Into Mystery #638 (Marvel)
NickZ: Now this is the Marvel wedding that should give people pause!

Justice League Dark #9 (DC)
Andy: Animal Man writer, Jeff Lemire, makes his JLD debut! A pretty seamless transition, if not a little wordy. A good jumping on point, and the art is still top notch. B
Decapitated Dan: Lemire makes this feel a lot more super hero-ish, and I don’t know yet. I miss Shade being on the team already. Still a good read though.

Lord of the Jungle Annual #1 (Dynamite)
Andy: Um, when the regular series is only on #4, and it’s noted on page two that this story takes place after #8, that should tell you something. Also, $5 Dynamite? Seriously? C-

Mighty Thor #14 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Someone should have told Donald Blake not to lose his head! Wow!

Mind MGMT #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Didn’t know what to expect, but it wasn’t much. After giving it a thorough read-thru, there’s a lot going on here and the premise is sound. If you’re into indies and mysteries, don’t miss this! B+

Prophet #25 (Image)
Andy: You know a comic is awesome when you’re still not sure what the hell is going on, but you’re loving every page! B+

Ragemoor #3 (Dark Horse)
Andy: If you dig Poe or classic Eerie/Creepy stuff, don’t miss this one! It’s not for everybody, but it’s got that classic creepiness I love. B

Rebel Blood #3 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: AHHHHHHHHHH-Mazing!!!! Love this mini! I hold it in my arms, hug it, make sure it gets the nourishment it needs and then I hand it off to you, now read it suckas!!!!!

Savage Hawkman #9 (DC)
Andy: Joe Bennett’s artwork is great, and it really helps make Liefeld & Poulton’s script feel decent. Far better than I was expecting, and shows promise of a turnaround. B

Secret Avengers #27 (Marvel)
NickZ: Good(?) news: Captain Marvel is back! Bad news: He’s evil and apparently so are two of the Avengers.

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Focusing more on the Imperial Officers was a good move. We can only take so much Darth Vader before you go, “really?” B-

Superman #9 (DC)
NickZ: They could turn this book into a Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen book and it would be an improvement.

Teen Titans #9 (DC)
The Culling is over but the war is far from over. Harvest is shaping up to be the next generation’s Darkseid, but more powerful.
Infinite Speech:
So, all of these super powered teens are involved in the Culling and yet NO Static Shock? Thanks DC.
NickZ: Teen Titans is better than the Justice League. (Never thought I would be saying that.)
Andy: It’s alright, but there are too many damn words! Doesn’t Scott Lobdell have an editor? C

Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #5 (IDW)
Andy: I’m still into it despite never caring about the Transformers before. Classic styled art and strongly written script. Only problem is too many of the damn robots look like each other. B

Ultimate Comics X-Men #12 (Marvel)
Andy: Bo-ring. Remember when Iceman, Shadowcat, Storm, and Kitty Pryde, and hell, even Human Torch were a part of the Ultimate X-Men? That was fun. C-

Voodoo #9 (DC)
Decapitated Dan:
Another great issue, I hope Voodoo kills everyone, everywhere. I don’t think Hellspont has ever looked better. Awesome book.
Infinite Speech: There have been a LOT of decapitations in this series lately!

Witchblade #156 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech:
Slowly but surely being turned away from this title.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. nickz

    I find it amusing that Andy chirped “Love this issue!” RE: Fantastic Four #606 then proceeds to give it a “C+” grade. I’d hate to see what he gives a book he doesn’t “love”.

  2. Andy

    I was saying, if you like “Body Wars” you’ll love this issue!

  3. Arnab

    Andy, I’m pretty sure the wedding’s supposed to be in the next one.

  4. Andy

    Yeah, but it was pitched by Marvel that it would happen in this issue. At least to us retailers when it was time to do our initial orders and FOC.

    1. Arnab

      ah, well that I did not know.

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