Zenescope Reviews: Grimm Fairy Tales: Inferno #3

Grimm Fairy Tales: Inferno #3
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Writer: Ralph Tedesco
Art: Gabriel Rearte
Cover: Mahmud Asrar
Variant Covers: Tony Shasteen (B), Mike DeBalfo (Toronto Fan Expo Exclusive)
Price: US $2.99
Release Date: September 1, 2010

***CAUTION: This Review Contains Spoilers!***

Welcome back, Comic Attackers!  The story seems to be back on track after the confusing turn that the series took last issue.  There really isn’t much room for confusing story this time, as this issue is packed cover to cover with gun-blazing, demon-killing ACTION!

Looking like Charly Baltimore now, Mercy Dante decides to have a little fun and visits her douche bag boyfriend.  She kicks his ass, puts a bullet in both his knees, and throws him out on the street to be mobbed my a bunch of demons.  Lesson?  Guys, NEVER smack your lady around!

Mercy runs into the blind man again, from the first issue, and he gives her a watch and a little advice and guidance about her forthcoming journey into the innermost level of the inferno.  Mercy sets out on her mission to find Brian Watson (that’s The Three Little Pigs dude’s name), and it leads her to a church.  A church in Hell?  Yes, sir!  She questions a Two-Face-looking woman as to where she can find the priest.  She is told she can find him in the confessional.  Mercy asks the priest where she can find Brian Watson, and the priest turns into a demon and attacks her, because she is the reason the priest is in Hell to begin with.

All Hell breaks loose and a LOT of THIS stuff happens:

This issue was a quick read as there was less talk and more shooting.  In my opinion, this issue redeemed the series.  For me, it’s fun again and I can’t wait for the next issue.  Until then, check out the rest of the cover gallery and then go take a dip in our Zenescope Entertainment pool for all kinds of Zenescope goodness!

Aron White

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Billy

    LoL, The dude that is the president of Zenescope had to have watched a lot of T-n-A movies as a kid. They certainly IMO have an unmistakable look.

  2. Aron

    Yeah they do! And most of the time they have good stories to go with it!

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