Zenescope Reviews: Grimm Fairy Tales: Inferno #2

Grimm Fairy Tales: Inferno #2
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Writer: Ralph Tedesco
Art: Gabriel Rearte
Cover: Joe Benitez
Variant Covers: Norberto (B), Pasquale Qualano (Exclusive)
Price: US $2.99

***CAUTION: This Review Contains Spoilers!***

Does everybody remember how pumped I was for more after reading last issue?  Well, I seem to be on a roller coaster here with this issue.  This issue made absolutely no sense and in the middle of it, I was literally yelling out, “What the hell!?”

Hell, is exactly what.  Grace Dante’s sleazy boss came on to her at work and couldn’t wait until the weekend to get some sexual harassment hanky-panky.  He was going to take it now.  She kneed him in the nuts and he turned into a demon.  After busting a chair over his back, she stabbed a broken piece of the chair into his neck.  He lied on the floor looking every bit human.  Grace went home and gave the old woman she had spoken with earlier a call.

The old woman turned out to be Sela Mathers.  What the hell!?  Sela Mathers isn’t an old woman.  She’s the hot chick with black hair in the Grimm Fairy Tales series.  Sela tells Grace to close her eyes, and begins to tell her the story that we kind of got into last issue with Grace’s parents being killed, and about her and her twin sister Mercy.  Grace killed herself when she was sixteen and Mercy became a gun toting killer.  Grace opened her eyes and Sela was back to looking like the hot chick with black hair, and Sela told Grace that she was actually Mercy Dante.  The same Mercy Dante that was given a second chance after killing a little girl and shot herself instead.  What the hell!?  No wonder Grace (or Mercy, rather) was on medication!

Do you think that’s jacked up?  Is your head spinning like mine is?  Well, wait!  There’s more!  Apparently Mercy Dante really is dead and she is actually in the first ring of Hell.  She is there to rescue a dude from Grimm Fairy Tales #15, The Three Little Pigs (I don’t know anything about this, as I haven’t yet covered it in my Grimm Fairy Tales 101: Class in Session series.), that was sent into Hell.  If she doesn’t rescue this man quickly, Sela will open the portal again in three days, and both she and “The Three Little Pigs” dude will be trapped in Hell for eternity.  What.  The.  Hell!?

The last few pages are pretty cool, though, as Mercy Dante cuts her hair and loads up with all kinds of guns.  She looks like a regular Charly Baltimore!

I really don’t know about this series anymore.  It is confusing as…Hell!  The art is still pretty cool to look at, though.  Gabriel Rearte uses a style I’m not really used to seeing, as it kind of looks like rough sketch art that has been colored.  Pretty cool.

I’ll be diving into the third issue soon, in hopes that it straightens itself out.  Until then, why don’t you go swim around our Zenescope Entertainment (<—CLICK THAT!) section to see all the other kinds of cool stuff they’ve got going on.

Aron White

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Billy

    Good review Aron. That pic with the chick stepping on that dudes face kicks arse!

  2. Aron

    Yeah, care to get stepped on?

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