Grimm Fairy Tales #50
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Created & Story By: Joe Brusha & Ralph Tedesco
Writer: Joe Brusha
Art: Anthony Spay, Fernando Melek, Ian Snyder, Tommy Patterson, Roberto Viacava, & David Miller
Cover: Al Rio
Variant Covers: Eric Basaldua, (B) Franchesco, (C) Angel Medina, (D) Gabriel Rearte (Haiti Relief Exclusive)
Price: US $4.99
Release Date: September 9, 2010
***CAUTION: This Review Contains Spoilers!***
***CAUTION: This Comic Book Is EPIC!***
Break out the champagne glasses and light the cigars, ladies and gentlemen! This is THE BIGGEST independent comic book party of the year! Zenescope Entertainment’s Grimm Fairy Tales has reached the milestone issue of FIFTY! Enough introduction! Let’s get this party started!
Last issue, the Darkhorde drew first blood in the fairy tale land of Myst. The piper Anslied appears and drains off power from the casket, and then disappears. He’s off to give the portal opening power to the Dark One. The Dark One then uses the power to bring his army to Myst. Next destination? Earth. They must be stopped at all costs! Of course, there’s a huge battle between good and evil. Swords! Shields! Maces! Magic! Mayhem! It’s an all out Royal Rumble! Lives are lost on both sides. Some, important players in the Grimm Fairy Tales universe up to this point. Sela Mathers destroys the casket before the Dark One can get to it and go to Earth. She then has to destroy her book, but destroying the book could mean the end of Sela herself. Now the portals to Earth are gone, except for one sexy green fairy, Nissa….
Wow! The battle was EPIC! The ending was EPIC! This comic is EPIC! It took Joe Brusha, a team of six pencilers, and a team of four colorists (including Comic Attack’s very own Jeff Balke!) to pull this double-sized thing off, and the finished product is incredible. Great work, everyone! Congratulations on a job well done! Congratulations on fifty issues!
Now, let’s turn our attention to the fireworks! The cover gallery!
Now, go frolic around merrily here and check out all things Zenescope, here at!
Here’s to another fifty issues!
Aron White
Awesome! I love the Zenescope reviews/previews…for many reasons, but one specifically.
That would be the demons and monsters?