DC Reviews: Xombi #2

Xombi #2
Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: John Rozum
Artist: Frazer Irving
Cover: Frazer Irving

If you have yet to experience the amount of supernatural awesome in Xombi, then you’ll want to be heading to your local comic shop for an issue! The action is pumped up for the second installment in the series as David Kim and the sisters fight off the demon children and killer snow angels. We also find out that the prison break was an inside job as Rozum reveals that freeing Mr. Hyde wasn’t the end result, but just the beginning of something a lot worse.

There’s just so much that’s good about this title that I’m not sure where to start. Aside from it being a breath of fresh air from the multitude of superhero titles, Xombi gives credit to many of the supernatural and quirky books out there. You’re also getting a focused story that isn’t weird just for the sake of it. Rozum delivers some great dialog throughout the issue, and I’m loving the Nuns even more now. Plus, when you’ve got Nun The Less emptying enchanted bullets into demon trick-or-treaters, what’s not to love! He also touches on how David’s powers are a bit more of a liability than a help on both the emotional and physical level. Then there’s the introduction of Mr. Hyde, whom Rozum has deliver one of the sickest and most memorable lines in the book. From now on I’ll never look at women with silky hair the same again.

Irving is seriously on point with every panel on every page of this issue! Yeah, it looks that good and helps keep us in the moments that Rozum’s script has set up for the characters. There’s also a distinct difference in Irving’s style when he draws the other worldly creatures when compared to the regular people. He makes them stand out and fit into the scene all at the same time so it’s not distracting. The colors just put it over the top, and the action is easy to follow in this issue.

This issue really sets up the next, and it’s going to be interesting to see how the good guys handle Mr. Hyde’s transformation. I’m also interested to find out what secrets Rabbi Sinnowitz has hidden away. Well comic fans, you asked for something new and exciting and Xombi is just that! It’s a title that deserves your attention, because it has exactly what comic fans demand, which is a good story teamed with excellent artwork.

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Andy

    This series, along with T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, have been my top 2 surprise reads of the year so far.

    So. Good.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    I’m going to find my old Xombi Milestone issues and give those a look and compare them to Rozum’s work on this series. For some reason I like this one more even though it’s from the same guy. Maybe I just missed the weirdness of it all.

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