Valiant Reviews: Ninja-K #1

Valiant Reviews: Ninja-K #1

Ninja-K #1
Publisher: Valiant
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Tomás Giorello
Colorist: Diego Rodriguez
Cover: Trevor Hairsine & David Baron

It was about a year ago when joking around on Tales From The Water Cooler, Jeff asked what if Ninjak was actually just Ninja-K and they (MI-6) were just going down the alphabet after we met another ninja from the organization. We laughed and probably took the joke too far but little did we know that Jeff was on to something. So now it’s official that Colin King aka Ninja-K is just one of many in a long line of ninja to come out of MI-6’s Ninja Programme but as series writer Christos Gage adds layers of legacy to the character there’s a shroud of mystery as former ninja are being assassinated in brutal fashion.

With all of the history behind the Ninjak character this is one easy comic to just settle into if you’re a newer reader or just have only dabbled in the adventures of Ninjak. Gage also delivers a nice balance of familiarity for those who are well versed in Colin King’s adventures while completely delivering something new that enhances everything that’s already come before. As we learn more about Ninjak’s predecessors there isn’t a dull moment as Gage seamlessly weaves past and present to keep the momentum going full steam. Most notably during the conversation between D and Ninkak which is some solid banter between the two. This leads to Gage dropping some Latin on us that totally encompasses the entire issue and ends on a fiery cliffhanger.

Tomás Giorello’s art is gorgeous on every page and along with Diego Rodriguez’s colors adding to the visuals you will not be disappointed here! The body count in the first few pages is insane and filled with tense and bloody action beats. One of the standouts is the double page spread that will have your eyes clapping from excitement. With the large amount of action in this issue each scene builds on the previous but the tone of a great spy story in the making is prevalent throughout the issue. If you were one of the readers who decided to preorder Ninja-K then you’ll also get to check out some cool behind the scenes work that went into putting this issue together.

Ninja-K #1 serves as not just a deeper origin story for Colin but we get a look at a lot more ninja and no one has ever complained about more ninja! The creative team is making a strong case for you to check out this corner of the Valiant Universe by delivering a first issue that deserves five out of five shuriken!

Infinite Speech


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