Valiant Reviews: Generation Zero #1

Valiant Reviews: Generation Zero #1

9408bfc1-2a8b-431e-bad5-01752df8f151Generation Zero #1
Publisher: Valiant
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Francis Portela
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Cover: Stephen Mooney

This series has been on my radar ever since it was announced at the Valiant Summit a few months back. Aside from the creative team announced, it would be great to finally see what was up with the wayward psiot kids from Project Rising Spirit. Especially since they’ve decided to stay heroes but on their own terms this time around.

It’s those terms that set the stage for a different type introduction as a huge portion of the issue isn’t about our heroes. But focusing more about the person who needs their help, Keisha Sherman. Van Lente devotes much of the issue to her as he does some excellent world building and expands the mystique around Generation Zero. Making them seem more like an urban legend in the opening as we find out that the team picks who they want to help after filtering through requests from teenagers everywhere. Van Lente gives us a montage of various kids pleading their cases over social media to the group but it’s Keisha’s that is chosen. Her boyfriend felt there was something wrong with their perfect little town and is now dead. The timing and circumstances around the death are suspect and Keisha isn’t buying into what she’s being told. Throughout the issue Van Lente keeps you engaged in Keisha’s predicament and when we finally do meet up with Generation Zero it’s an even bigger moment.

If you were impressed with Portela’s work on the Faith mini series then get ready to see some more of that here! With that artwork paired with Dalhouse’s colors there’s just page after page of sweet visual storytelling here. There’s as much detail and precision in the background and settings as there are in the characters themselves. Every emotional beat is hit which really helped to sell much of the drama in this issue. When the action does happen the art team keeps it fast, huge, and mysterious! That last page was stressful but definitely in a good way.

For a first issue, Generation Zero just does it right! The creative team makes sure it’s an easy jumping on point and gives you only what’s necessary for this part of the team’s journey. If you’re more of a seasoned fan you’ll get something new to enjoy and that’s always good to see.


Infinite Speech

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