Be My Valentine, Godzilla

A Valentines Day Poem To Start:
So I was looking at this Godzilla poster,
Thing has been with me all my life since like 7th grade or something,
And I remembered that the original Godzilla suit was something like 250-300 pounds,
A beast of a thing to carry and be inside and move around and stuff,
And I stared at that poster and strangely enough I thought:
That’s what love is.
Love is like being in the original Godzilla suit.
When you’re really in love with someone,
It’s like being inside of them,
They may seem to consume you but you help them move as well.
Sometimes it’s empowering: a huge suit.
Sometimes it’s a lot to bear: all this extra weight on your body.
Sometimes it’s iconic: you can just look at it and go “That’s love”.
But always when you watch the dailies,
When it plays back,
You see yourself stomping on miniature trains and buildings wearing that suit,
You smile.
You smile cause all your heart and soul went into that,
Through thick and thin,
Through good and bad,
Plastic buildings and tiny tanks,
Hell, you are in love.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Doug Moench
Artist: Herb Trimpe

So my favorite superhero of all time, the one that has my heart, is Godzilla. Some may say he’s not a superhero but I beg to differ. Even Stan Lee once thought he was the largest superhero of all time and published a long running comic series based on the character (later Dark Horse would publish a manga version followed by a handful of original American comics featuring everyone’s favorite giant monster).
Marvel Comic’s Godzilla, King of The Monsters ran from 1977 to 1979, for 24 action-packed issues, and although not as good as Marvel’s Devil Dinosaur, the Godzilla comic was a huge hit, pitting Godzilla against an array of giant baddies (including the previously mentioned Devil Dinosaur) and Marvel Superheroes from S.H.E.I.L.D to the Avengers.  The series spun the tale of Godzilla finally making his way to American shores and taking a grand tour of the United States starting in Alaska and ending in New York City.
The entire 24 issues were all written by Doug Moench and penciled by Herb Trimpe. Moench’s writing was fun and captured the tone of the 70s Godzilla films of the time (i.e. Godzilla vs. Megalon, Godzila vs. Gigan). Across the 24-issues, he gives us Godzilla in every scenario we could want him in: all the major American cities, back in time, transported to outerspace, shrunk down to the size of a human and back again, and pitted against both a handful of Marvel heroes and giant monsters. Trimpe’s art works well and is like the standard Marvel art of the 70s. His design on Godzilla is a little different from the Godzilla of the films, specifically his eyes which are pure reptile (no big Muppet-like eyes like in the 70s films) and his trademark spinal spikes are a little different from how we are used to seeing them, but still somewhat there. The series is a completely enjoyable read today and has aged incredibly well.
All the issues are currently collected in a single volume, for a nice-price, black and white Marvel Essential Edition (or there is always backbins or E-bay; I was notorious for losing E-bay bids for the entire run in college, which my fellow buds would frequently bring up to anger me). I highly recommend everyone takes the time to check out this series and enjoy the ride.
Drew McCabe

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Andy

    I’ve wanted to read this series for some time now, but I’m not willing to buy a run nor read it in Essential format (yelch!). Guess I’ll have to wait for a TPB or HC…
    : (

  2. Billy

    I think this looks kind of interesting but I’m not paying more than a couple bucks for it. lol

  3. Josh

    “Love is like being in the original Godzilla suit.” Genius! You should make greeting cards. I would by them.

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