Dark Horse Reviews: Usagi Yojimbo #131

Dark Horse Reviews: Usagi Yojimbo #131

Usagi Yojimbo #131
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer/Art/Cover: Stan Sakai
Price: US $3.50
Release Date: August 25, 2010

***CAUTION: This Review Contains Spoilers!***

“Return to Hell, Part Two”

Remember last issue, when Usagi and Kato were disarmed and surrounded by countless samurai with swords drawn? Of course you do! You read the issue AND my review! Boss Higa also has Usagi and Kato’s cute lady friend, Ayaka, held hostage. Higa orders his men to attack! Ten Ryo to whoever kills them.

Usagi and Kato ward them off with their bare hands. Higa doesn’t like that. He calls for the girl to be killed. Usagi and Kato aren’t having any of that! Usagi flips a stray sword to Kato and Kato cuts Ayaka’s captor’s hand off! Usagi urges Ayaka inside. Usagi picks up a fallen sword. It’s on now! Higa is angered and ups the bounty. Twenty Ryo! The bounty keeps getting higher and higher. Sixty Ryo! The men turn and run away along with Boss Higa. Usagi and Kato are unstoppable! HIIIIIIYA!

“Prepare yourself, Usagi. We’ll end this now.” Kato and Usagi head to Boss Higa’s house to catch them before they can make a new plan. Usagi declares they only want Boss Higa. The rest will be permitted to lay down their swords and leave. Little by little, Higa’s men start to dwindle. Usagi and Kato fight their way into Higa’s inner chamber and have it out with the best of his men. Outside, Ayaka is rounding up the townspeople for support.

Kato and Usagi. Higa’s four best samurai. A three hundred Ryo bounty. Usagi extends his offer one last time; drop their swords and leave with their lives. Will the men accept and be spared? Will Usagi and Kato be forced to battle side by side, to the death? Go get the issue, knuckleheads, and find out!

Stan Sakai gives us the perfect escape from super hero comics that seem to be getting more and more redundant with every turn of the page. It’s like shaving your head with a blade and then rinsing your head with freezing cold water. Yeah, Usagi Yojimbo is THAT refreshing! It’s also a clean enough presentation that the whole family can enjoy the book! What are you waiting for? ATTACK THIS COMIC!

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Aron White

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Billy

    Great review Aron. I wish it was in color though because I think it would help with the battle scenes and such. I’m still kicking myself for not getting the $1 issue. 🙁

  2. Aron

    Thanks, Billy! Usagi Yojimbo is just a great comic and I think part of it has to do with it being black and white. Essentials are black and white, you know….

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