‘Urbance’ Trailer from Steambot Studios

‘Urbance’ Trailer from Steambot Studios

Several years ago while looking for anime that features POC characters Urbance popped up on my radar. Impressed by the visuals and intrigued by the synopsis I hoped to be seeing more of this. Fast forward and Steambot Studios has run a successful Kickstarter campaign which means that the hard work put into Urbance is going to start paying off. Directed by Joel Dos Reis Viegas, we get our first look at the trailer for the pilot episode!


In the big city, gender war rises. Sex is prohibited because of a genetic deadly virus. Ruled by hate and anger, boys and girls grow up apart from each other, forming rivals gangs. Among these lost teenagers, Kenzell and lesya will fight adversity and defy all the rules in order to live their love and restore peace.

Here’s the Urbance official trailer for the series in case you missed it.


Infinite Speech


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