Top Cow Reviews: Think Tank #12

Top Cow Reviews: Think Tank #12

LAZARUS_004_COV 4Think Tank #12
Publisher: Top Cow
Writer: Matt Hawkins
Artist: Rahsan Ekedal
Cover: Rahsan Ekedal

HOLEEE WOW!! Okay, just had to get that out after reading this a couple of times, because that was one hell of an ending to “Season One” of Think Tank! Now, my feelings regarding this series are pretty well known, so the expectations were very high especially after the cliffhanger Hawkins and Ekedal left us with last issue. There’s a virus running rampant, WW III is only moments away, and a dying President just to name a few of the problems.

Not only is this issue impressive as a closer, but after it’s all said and done you just want more. That’s due to the superb job of Hawkins and Ekedal in providing issue after issue of great storytelling. The kind that makes you think, ponder, and question the actions of all characters involved, as well as the real world applications that could happen. That’s probably the most gripping thing about this series; that it’s based in so much fact that it’s sometimes scary to think about.

Hawkins also continues to demonstrate the brilliance of David Loren, however, he isn’t afraid to show just how being arrogant and a bit of a jerk can limit him seeing the long game at times. A trait that has pretty much made it easier for his enemies to manipulate him into the situation he’s in now. The conflict itself is a fascinating one, as Hawkins keeps throwing in layer after layer of intrigue, deception, and misdirection, but not convoluted to the point you’re bogged down with information.

There has been nothing but excellent artwork coming from Ekedal since the first issue, and he ups his game even more so here! The page showing David standing in the midst of people vomiting blood as the virus deteriorates their skin is one of the best scenes in the book! There’s so many other great looking panels because of his attention to detail and great line work that you can’t help but go back over them a few times.

Hawkins and Ekedal seem focused on delivering a product worth your time and money in a time where too often that’s not the case. Think Tank has been consistently on point since the first issue, and let’s hope that things continue to be this great when the series comes back!

Infinite Speech

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