Timberwolf Reviews: The Few and Cursed #1

2016-10-28-01-32-11The Few and Cursed #1
Publisher: Timberwolf Entertainment
Writer: Felipe Cagno
Artist: Fabiano Neves
Colorist(s): Dinei Ribeiro & Ivan Nunes
Cover: Felipe Watanabe & Marcelo Costa

This supernatural western doesn’t take long to get started and even cloak itself in a bit of mystery along the way. Wasting no time, Felipe Cagno introduces us to Red who is a Curse Chaser. Making her one of the most badass people to walk the Earth and kill monsters. Now Cagno doesn’t approach this as an origin type story about our lead character but decides to let her actions do the talking as we take our first steps into this world. One filled with a motley crew of small town saloon dwellers we’ve seen before but living in the shadow of a giant snake.

Cagno delivers a no nonsense character in Red but hints that she’s fractured a bit. I’m sure whatever doubts and skeletons she’s got in her past will come to light later but for now we get to enjoy her dispensing a beast and saving a potential sacrifice. All of this moves well and even with the familiar tropes The Few and Cursed remains a very fun comic.

I want to give the creative team serious props for the character design of Red as well. Artist Fabiano Neves puts some great detail and effort into her look which remains practical, cool, and raises her level of badass several notches. There’s a solid amount of detail in the art and fluid action sequences that leap off the panels. Which is helped by Dinei Ribeiro & Ivan Nunes whose colors give the weight needed to enhance the art and move the narrative along.

We don’t get too many westerns in the current comics landscape but The Few and Cursed is looking to be one you want to pick up! This was a Kickstarter project and one that I’m glad made its goal so we can enjoy it now. Issue two is also on its way via Kickstarter so if you want more click here!

More from Timberwolf Entertainment here!

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