Dark Horse Reviews: The Terminator 2029 #1

The Terminator 2029 #1
Dark Horse
Writer: Zack Whedon
Art: Andy MacDonald
I have not been a real Terminator-fan since the whole Robocop vs. Terminator fun back in the mid-90s. Shortly after that, something about the whole franchise kind of disappeared for me. The new movies haven’t appealed to me, the TV show I would watch here and there since it aired after Prison Break (which I greatly miss on a totally unrelated side note), and creating a whole alternative time-line thing left me with frowns (the only franchises that have been able to pull off alternative time-lines with justice are Dragon Ball Z and the new Star Trek movie). HOWEVER something about Terminator 2029 caught my attention, which was that it’s the story of Kyle Reese, our hero who goes back in time in the first Terminator film to try and save the day, and what happens before he time-travels. I thought I could give Terminator another shot with this 3-issue mini-series.
So then the question is how did I like it? Well, I loved it. It was the Terminator I missed, ranking up there with my late nights playing the T-2 arcade shooter on my Sega and drinking Mountain Dew. The art was great, the future world we pictured is captured to a ‘T’ by Andy MacDonald, giving us moments of quiet waiting and then blasts of violence. The writing by Zack Whedon (who also wrote the Dr. Horrible comic book) gives us a fantastic set-up in the first issue. He moves at a quick pace, so we get a quick-set, introducing us to some love-birds, then a little intro to Kyle Reese and then the robots attack and mess some shit up. The formula of Whedon and MacDonald working together on this title pays off in a first issue, giving us everything we could want out of a Terminator story.
To sum it up in this reviewers thoughts, Terminator 2029 is the best comic book in the Terminator franchise published in a long time, and I look forward to reading the next 2 issues to see how this mini ends.
And remember when the Terminator took on Robocop?
Drew McCabe

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Billy

    Hey Drew, it sounds like Dark Horse is doing a good job with this new series. Oh, and keep drinking Mt Dew! 🙂

  2. itypograf

    I would propose to view the whole 2 season TV show – it’s definitely worth it. It will be another Terminator you’ve missed. There is really nothing wrong with alternate time line thingy, the Terminator is always about time travel with killing machines involved. Seriously, you won’t regret it.

  3. Andy

    This sold out by Thursday afternoon at my shop so I missed it. My girlfriend said she loved it though!!

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    The TV series’ timeline actually erases Terminator 3! yayyy!! I’m going to swing by my LCS tomorrow and pick it up, I forgot this one was coming out!

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