The All-New Uncanny X-Piles #204

The All-New Uncanny X-Piles #204

Planet-Size X-Men #1
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Gerry Dugan
Art: Pepe Larraz
Colors: Marte Garcia
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Cover: Pepe Larraz & Marte Garcia

The story we get in this ground breaking issue is a huge flex for the X-Men as they pull off the impossible through the combined efforts of mutants from Arakko and Krakoa. Dugan has these events take place before the Hellfire Gala which ends up being a nice departure from the party atmosphere. Focusing on Magneto and his solution to a growing problem we head towards outer space. A destination that any longtime X-Men reader knows that Mags has always had an affinity for. Here is where we see a collection of the most powerful mutants do something on a scale that will undoubtedly send waves throughout the Marvel Universe for years to come. Dugan shines here with solid characterization and moments that actually feel a little like the Claremont era of the X-Men.

If you’ve seen the art of Larraz and Garcia before then you already know that this is where your eyes need to be. They are visual storytellers of the highest caliber and the ones you get to carry the weight of a narrative this huge. There’s so many eye-popping highlights that you’ll go over the panels several times to catch everything. The opening sequence with Magneto riding an asteroid just screams heavy metal guitar riff playing in the background and looks awesome! Then we shift to more character driven moments that are just as strong and great to look at like the meeting between Cyclops and Captain America. This also leads to the “fireworks” we’ve seen mentioned in the previous issues which has a great payoff. 5/5

Insert guitar riff here

New Mutants #19
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Vita Ayala
Art: Alex Lins
Colors: Matt Milla
Letters: Travis Lanham
Cover: Martin Simmonds

As soon as the issue opens we see Warlock living his best life at the gala. Only to have his self esteem shattered but it’s Dani to the rescue to make sure her friend has a great time. This sets the pace for an issue that slows down the chaos of the gala to do some great character exploration. Ayala accurately nails what makes the New Mutants such a great team of young heroes. Their friendship feels genuine as they continually have each other’s back throughout the night. When Ayala shifts to the heaviness of Dani and Rhane’s conversation regarding her son’s resurrection it’s a moment that hits pretty hard. Regardless of whether or not you’ve been reading this series or not. Things do get fun again especially with the New Mutants groupchat which is something we should get more of. However, Ayala didn’t have to hit us in the feels the way they did with the tragedy that takes place.

Visually, Lins and Milla’s storytelling has a unique feel that effectively captures all of the highs and lows of this issue. Dani working the room with Warlock is a visual feast of cameos and subtle transformations from group to group. The colors on that double page spread are magnificent though it could also be because I’m a fan of purple and it’s various shades. As we reach the end the combination of that last page and the letter is just a heartbreaking piece of sequential storytelling. 4/5

X-Corp #2
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Tini Howard
Art: Alberto Foche
Colors: Sunny Gho
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Cover: David Aja

Usually when a title has to start their first few issue caught up in a crossover things are a bit shaky. It does help that this is more of an in-house event and Howard uses the gala as more of a backdrop for X-Corp’s recruiting. As Angel and Monet make their way through the evening meeting with prospects, Howard gives us Monet at some of her best. Whether it be conceit or confidence, Monet delights in letting others know they aren’t worth her time or that she’s just better. Something she lets the Fenris twins know in several excellent exchanges. Mutants or not, X-Corp isn’t doing business with Nazis and Howard wrights some downright perfect dialogue for this moment. However, the choice of the Mastermind being a potential prospect does raise an eyebrow. This guy is complete scum but X-Corp might still add him to their ranks? It seems like a flimsy way to make him appear acceptable by his competition being the Fenris twins. This is probably the part of the story that I had an issue with.

The art is pretty solid and when at the gala we get plenty of cameos yet again. Pretty sure I spotted DMC (from Run DMC) hanging with Doctor Strange in one panel. The action sequence when the Fenris twins attempt to invade X-Corp HQ is a nice change of visual pacing. Also it’s great to see Monet change forms and beat up on Nazis for a few panels. – 3/5

For more All-New Uncanny X-Piles click here!

Eric Snell

Infinite Speech

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