Titan Reviews: Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank #1

Titan Reviews: Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank #1

Tank-Girl-Cover-A2Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank #1
Publisher: Titan
Writer: Alan Martin
Artist: Brett Parson
Cover: Black Frog

If you’ve been missing your dose of Tank Girl then look no further! Once again we’re tossed into post-apocalyptic Australia on another wild adventure where things can go from bad to crazy bad at any given moment. That’s pretty much what happens here when Tank Girl realizes her beloved tank is gone. If you’re new to this series understand that this is like Speed Racer without the Mach 5 or Batman with no Batmobile. It just shouldn’t happen! The circumstances that resulted in the tank’s disappearance seem to have two very different stories but the only thing that matters is getting it back. So Tank Girl, her boyfriend Booga, and best friend Barney head out to do just that!

It’s been some time since I’ve headed into the over the top adventures of Tank Girl and things are still fun. Though, not as chaotic and ridiculous as I remember this is still a great Tank Girl story. Alan Martin keeps things on a certain path here but it’s infused with the right amount of foul language and comedy that we expect in these stories. Aside from the usual great cast we know and love, Martin introduces us to Magnolia. She’s a complication in the story but he makes her a very fun one. Hence her becoming the other girl in this missing tank story.

Parson’s art is just as fun as the narrative and he nails everything necessary to make it work. From the minute you see that iconic tank with it’s insane weaponry, bullet holes, and dirty socks, you’ll appreciate the crazyness of it all. Tank Girl and her crew setting off on their quest is just a great sequence and he keeps it filled with visual comedy. The standout part would be Magnolia’s “transformation”. No dialogue is used but from panel to panel we get a sense of the character and that she has her own story.

Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank #1 is great for longtime fan’s and if you’re new to this world it’s still a great beginning to jump into. That’s what a first issue should do and kudos to Martin and Parson for making this accessible to all readers. So whether Booga lost the tank in a card game or you believed it was stolen, this is going to be one wild ride to get it back!


Infinite Speech

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