Movie Mondays: Captain America: The First Avenger

Title: Captain America: The First Avenger Director: Joe Johnston Writers: Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby) Distributed By: Paramount Pictures Starring: Chris Evans, Hugo…

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The Comics Console: Marvel Pinball: Captain America, Batman Energy Drink, TMNT & X-Men 50% Off!

Quick news bits: X-Men Arcade and TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled are all 50% off on Xbox Live Arcade until July 4! For 400 MS points (approximately $4.99) you can…

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The Comics Console: Captain America: Super Soldier, DCU Online, Batman: Arkham City

First off I want to thank Stan Lee for standing up for the video game industry. The state of California is pushing a bill to criminalize the sale of "violent"…

Continue Reading The Comics Console: Captain America: Super Soldier, DCU Online, Batman: Arkham City