Dark Horse Reviews: Star Wars: Rebel Heist #2

Dark Horse Reviews: Star Wars: Rebel Heist #2

RH2coverStar Wars: Rebel Heist #2
Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist: Marco Castiello
Cover: Adam Hughes

Another mission is ahead of us as Rebel Heist puts Princess Leia front and center of another attempt of the Rebels to stay one step ahead of the Imperials. With her is a seasoned spy who is less than thrilled to find out that her contact is the famous Princess.

This issue doesn’t pick up exactly where the last issue left off, but it doesn’t matter. Kindt delivers a solid, fast paced, self contained story that you can just pick up and enjoy for what it is. Actually, this story is slightly more entertaining than the previous one, and most of that is due to Sarin, the seasoned Twi’lek spy whom Kindt chooses to tell most of the story through. We also get to see a version of Leia that we only caught a glimpse of in the films. The tough, resourceful, and tactical woman who can get the job done regardless of the sacrifice. Which is proven by the conclusion of the issue.

As far as the visuals go, Castiello does solid work again for most of the issue. However, there are several sequences where a character’s face looks a bit different from panel to panel. It’s nothing that is too drastic to where it takes you out of the story, but it is slightly bothersome at times. Other than this mishap we get some very intense moments along the way that move the story at a great pace.

With the way Kindt is choosing to tell this story, he’s making it very accessible if you’re just picking up this issue. Even if you only have a passing knowledge of the characters involved this is still easy to follow and enjoy from beginning to end. So if you were on the fence, just know that Rebel Heist is turning out to be another strong title in the expanded universe of Star Wars!

Infinite Speech


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