Dark Horse Reviews: Star Wars Legacy #41

swl41Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: John Ostrander
Artist: Kajo Baldisimo
Cover: Sean Cooke

“Mandalorian Mayhem!”: I’ve been waiting for some Mandalorian action to hit Star Wars Legacy and my patience has been rewarded 41 issues into the series!  In this self contained story, we’re dropped in the middle of a battle between the Imperials and Mandalorians, who were hired by the Galactic Alliance to hold the planet Botajef.  However, there is a traitor in the midst and Mandalorian Hondo Karr finds out the hard way that their back up isn’t coming.  After barely escaping the attempt on his life, Karr puts on the armor of a dead stormtrooper, watches his comrade in arms sacrifice himself so he can reveal the truth, and then is picked up by an Imperial squad who believe him to be the last remaining trooper in his platoon.

Flash forward a few years and Karr is now a member of Rouge Squadron, and they are being briefed on a mission to help the now hunted Mon Calamari.  Armed with a plan to smuggle a large group of the aliens off a planet with the assistance of the local Hutt in that area, Karr and his commanding officer Anj Dahl prepare to walk into a trap.  Once there, things go from orchestrated bad to unexpectedly worse as a wild card is thrown into the fray in the form of Karr’s ex-wife, who is under the impression he killed her father. And yeah, she just happened to be there while they were finishing the deal with the Hutt to save some Mon Cals… like I said in another Star Wars Legacy review, the galaxy far, far, away needs to get a little bigger!

This issue is very good and a much needed break from the Jedi issues of Cade Skywalker and his crew. John Ostrander  gives us just enough story to further the Mon Calamari conflict and introduce Hondo Karr.  Of course it’s a set up for more action since Hondo is still on the trail for proof to out the traitor that cost many Mandalorian’s their lives.  He even dons a new set of Mandalorian armor with the color scheme that stands for justice and revenge.  Kajo Baldisimo’s visuals were pretty good and his panel layouts helped accentuate the action of the story.  Nothing like a planet wide battle to start an issue off!

Start picking this up in trade to get up to speed if you haven’t been getting the series from the beginning, because in a long line of epic duds Star Wars Legacy helps return the franchise to the top!

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. billy

    I thought that was a Cylon on the cover. lol

  2. Andy

    It does sort of look like a Cylon.

    I agree with you speech, I think SWL is the best Star Wars title out there, easy. It’s fresh, original, and all because it’s exploring a time period of the SW mythos that has never been used before.

  3. Renee Ebole

    Been done and done and overdone. I wrote Jedi Legacy when y’all were still playing with Star Wars toys… All in good fun, friends. 😀

  4. Andy

    Hey- I still play with Star Wars toys!

    : )

    When did you publish Jedi Legacy, Renee? What’s the gist of the story?

  5. infinite speech

    My dream would come true if i could see this era either on the big or small screen

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