Superhero Enterprises: A Smooth Transition

OK, so, you’re a graduate of Pepperdine University, and have a resume that includes Radio Disney, Capitol Records, and Warner Bros. So who thinks this this sounds like a dude involved in comic books? Yeah, me neither, but Davien Watkins and his website is bucking the trend of what most people think of when they hear “comic book.”

The best way to describe this website is something I read on, and it reads like this:
“Superhero Enterprises is a character based publishing business, distribution and merchandising various consumer products from its library of proprietary characters across the global market place.
Conducts supply chain pipeline reviews, managing allocations to support design and development, packaging and distribution, sales forecast, and receipt flows. Executed marketing strategies while directing advertising and promotional activities, including research and evaluation of new product(s).
Supervises creative direction for all external product and brand marketing initiatives.
Establishes organizational marketing, timelines, objectives, and budgets. Strengthened communications with data-driven quantitative research directed at blogs, viral marketing, and social networking communities.
Identified third party partners in B2B brand management.”

The character “Notes” (the hero), is a guy who is trying to not only fight everyday crime with his superpowers, but also his arch nemesis “Duplicate” for supremacy in the record industry.
From a personal standpoint, it’s quite refreshing to see something that is truly new to the industry. Many times comic book companies talk about a new character or new vision, but honestly they usually fall flat because they are just old recycled ideas. That’s not the case with Notes. Not by a long shot! Check the links below for the website and also an interview with Davien Watkins himself. ( interview)
Billy Dunleavy

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. M B

    Very unique and creative. I’m feelin it!

  2. Billy

    @M B- No doubt. Anybody out there that is thinking outside the box, but is hesitant should read up on this dude. He should be pictured in Websters next to the entry for entrepreneur.

  3. InfiniteSpeech

    Lovin’ the visual concepts of the characters! Great write up Billy!

  4. Billy

    @Speech- Thanks man. This dude’s ingenuity and fresh approach is undeniable.

  5. JonnnyB

    love the artwork , sick man .

  6. IronSpider

    Sounds like this guy paid the journalist to write about his failed business venture.

  7. Kristin

    More like a PR post.

  8. Billy

    @IronSpider- …Seriously? I’ve never been paid to write anything…ever…in my lifetime…by anyone…honestly it sounds like a great new concept to me. If you don’t agree, that’s fine, but there’s no need to get snarky about it. 😀

  9. Jason

    Weird, I don’t get any of that from the website. Just seems like another ho-hum character to me.

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