IDW Reviews: Star Trek: Infestation #2

Star Trek: Infestation #2
Writer(s): Scott Tipton & David Tipton
Artist(s): Gary Erskine & Casey Maloney
Cover: Casey Maloney, Gordon Purcell, & Gabriel Rodriguez

I’ll go ahead and say it now, that so far Star Trek: Infestation is the best of the series hands down! Now with that out of the way, this issue continues with Kirk, Spock, and Bones attempting to find out what happened to the colonists and not become zombies themselves. They find some unexpected help from a robot who takes them to a safer location deep within the facility they have locked themselves in. He also is able to give them the needed information about what happened, and we see that this universe’s Britt came and manipulated the doctor that created 37 and ended up spreading the virus. Lucky for the Enterprise crew, there is some good news in that all of Britt’s information on the virus is stored in the doctor’s computers. The bad news is that 37 lets the trio know that if she is still keeping with her schedule, she will be returning soon. So it’s up to Bones to see if he can come up with a cure before her return and before any zombies find their way to them.

Scott and David made sure that what made the first issue entertaining found its way over here. It still had that old school feel and the dialog was spot on. Especially the scene where the zombies are gathering around the crew, and they are really pressing Spock to hurry and open the door. But this is Spock, and he’s always logically cool and his response was classic. The flashback to Britt’s arrival and the expo within was also interesting enough, being that it cut to the chase and had to be wrapped up pretty quickly. This actually worried me as I was hoping that this issue wouldn’t feel rushed since it’s only a two issue arc, but the pacing was still good considering the shortness of it all. Now there was an expectation of a larger climax than what we got to see in these pages, but the event that took place was pretty fun and seeing Kirk and Britt fight it out worked well.

We get the same art team in Erskine and Maloney on this one, though I think this issue looked better than the last one. Again the flashback scene stands out as a well drawn sequence due to the coloring, which gave it an old news reel look. Sepia is always a good choice, if you ask me. The characters also retain their likenesses without sacrificing the rest of the art, which I noticed was a problem last issue. All in all a good looking issue is waiting for anyone who picks up Star Trek: Infestation #2. With everything tied up on the Star Trek end of things concerning Infestation, I’m interested in how Britt’s role will continue in G.I. Joe and Ghostbusters, along with the final wrap up.

‘Till next time!

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Infinite Speech

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Billy

    I’m gonna have to pick this up, it sounds great! Really looks like a fun read.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    This one was pretty fun and maybe I enjoyed it more because my expectations weren’t that high for it. I’ve spoken with some die hard Star Trek fans that didn’t like it but I think they took the entire thing wayyyy too seriously and didn’t know how to have fun with it entire experience.

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