Marvel Reviews: Shadowland #1

Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Andy Diggle
Artist: Billy Tan
Cover: John Cassaday

“Shadowland”: Several issues ago in the pages of Daredevil, Bullseye challenged him to a fight, but the sick and twisted assassin killed over one hundred people and destroyed an apartment building instead.  Daredevil decided that nothing like that would ever happen on his home turf of Hell’s Kitchen again, and so Shadowland was built where the building once stood, showing the people that their hero was watching over them.  That probably wouldn’t be such an issue, but ever since Matt Murdock aka Daredevil became the leader of the Hand ninja clan, he hasn’t been quite himself.  In an attempt to change them from the inside from a group of murderous thieves and killers, he’s aimed them at being an actual force for good, however there are those within the Hand who seek to take them down an even darker path.

In the beginning of Shadowland, Bullseye is being transported to his new home, better known as the high profile prison: The Raft.  But with him things are never easy, and he manages to escape, and the first thing he does is head to Hell’s Kitchen.  Upon seeing the massive structure that is Shadowland, he calls out Daredevil.  At the same time, the Avengers are taking notice of Daredevil’s new home as well, and there are mixed feelings among the team about what it represents.  Soon DD appears with his Hand ninja, and the chase begins until finally it’s DD vs. Bullseye, but the villain realizes a little late that things are a bit different this time around.

There has been quite the build up with this story line, and the implications it will have on Daredevil and his relationship with several of his friends when it’s all over.  Diggle even gives a brief show of this when Luke Cage and Iron Fist ask DD if he needs help, and the first thing he does is ask if they will swear allegiance to the Hand.  Immediately showing that this is in no way the same guy they knew prior.  This issue in particular was a pretty good set up in regards to the story if you’ve been reading the recent issues of Daredevil. If not, then you’ll probably be scratching your head wondering what the hell is going on with him.  Though the end of this issue was a bit predictable, I don’t think the end of the series will be, but we’ll have to wait and see.

In terms of the art, which was handled by Billy Tan, I will say that I’ve seen better by him in other books.  Some parts of the story were spot on, while others just seemed off, and the characters looked stiff in a couple of the fight scenes.  A few anatomy issues were also noticeable in some panels that just seemed to throw some scenes off.  Now, I’ve heard varying opinions on the new costume design, but I’m on the fence about it.  I’m just hoping that Tan brings better visuals as the series continues.

Andy Diggle and Antony Johnston have helped to set up what could be a great story in Shadowland during their current Daredevil run.  And it seems we will get a look into Snakeroot clan, who actually turned the Hand from their once noble ways many centuries ago.  So we’ll get a mix of magic, ninja action, and what looks to be a Marvel superhero battle royal!  That to me is enough to pick up the main Shadowland title.  Now, Shadowland is slated to be five issues, but it will have spin-offs in various Marvel books as well, such as Daredevil and Thunderbolts, while other characters will also be getting their own Shadowland one-shot books.

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Billy

    I saw this previewed in the back of virtually every marvel book I bought this week. It does look good, but I think I”ll get it in Tpb after the fact.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    The fact that this title is spinning off into so many others kind of makes me uneasy about it. Hopefully the core series will be worth it when it’s all said and done.

  3. Aron

    I’m in denial right now. THAT didn’t really happen! There’s no way!

  4. Infinite Speech

    yep it really did.

  5. Aron

    it really happened…in an alternate dimension!

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