The Uncanny X-Piles 106
Welcome to the 106th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! This week, we get a break from AvX stuff as we have a small stack of books, but that won't stop us…
Welcome to the 106th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! This week, we get a break from AvX stuff as we have a small stack of books, but that won't stop us…
It's nice when the name of a thing tells you exactly what that thing is and exactly what that thing does, such as dishwasher or garage door opener or toothbrush.…
Action Comics #0 (DC) Dr. Bustos: Superman's cape, alone, is capable of inspiring people to be great almost as much as the man himself. A. NickZ: Now this is a…
Welcome to the 105th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! This week includes some lovers' spats, an all-Brotherhood issue, and an AvX respite! What did the guys think? The X-Piles Numbers next…
American Vampire #30 (Vertigo) Andy: Oh man -- is this the climax of the series to date? I think so. A Arnab: Snyder does a brilliant job on Batman, but…
Welcome to the 104th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! It has officially been 2 years since we've been covering the X-Men books on, and as we did last year,…
Welcome to the 103rd edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! This week, we get some excitingAvX action and some alternate future hijinks! Let's see what the X-perts think... The X-Piles Numbers next…
Aesop's Ark #2 (Monkeybrain) Jeff: This short little digital book is full of beautiful un-inked pencils and a fable that would make Aesop grin. Pick it up! Amazing Spider-Man #691…