Character Spotlight: Vixen

Happy New Year! Let's start this new year off with learning all about Vixen! I've always liked this heroine with animal-based superpowers, and I had a conversation this week with…

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The Uncanny X-Piles 117

Welcome to the 117th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! Infinite Speech is taking some time off, so we're trying to fill his big ass shoes. The X-Piles Numbers next to…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/14/12

"Adventure Time Presents: Marceline and the Scream Queens" #5 (kaboom!) Dr. Bustos: This comic should be called "Marceline does not take criticism well" and it'd be more accurate. C NickZ:…

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The Uncanny X-Piles 114

Welcome to the 114th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! A couple of books come to an end this week while we get another mini-series starting! What did the X-freaks think? The…

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Comikaze 2012!

Over the weekend, Stan Lee's Comikaze in Los Angeles happened, two days stuffed with all sorts of comics-related events and more. Having just started last year, Comikaze has grown huge…

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The Uncanny X-Piles 103

Welcome to the 103rd edition of the Uncanny X-Piles! This week, we get some excitingAvX action and some alternate future hijinks! Let's see what the X-perts think... The X-Piles Numbers next…

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