Image Reviews: Saga #7

Saga #7
Publisher: Image
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Artist: Fiona Staples

After a brief hiatus, Saga returns with a flavor and style all its own as Vaughan and Staples deliver yet another solid issue! During one of the most awkward meetings of the in-laws, we get a glimpse of Marko’s childhood and a look at the war between Landfall and Wreath. Soon after, we’re right back into the story, as Marko and his mother leave to find Izable, while his father and Alana spend some time together.

Vaughan hasn’t let Marko and Alana rest for one moment, and though this issue still has them in danger, this is as “slow” as things get for now. As always the dialog is excellent in elevating the drama while delivering some very humorous moments along the way. There has also been nothing short of great character development along the way that mixes in well with the unpredictability of the story. This has been one of the series’ strongest points, and most impressive since we live in an age where fans complain that they’ve seen it all before. And though the issue focuses heavily on the family and their issues, Vaughan touches on Prince Robot’s continuing quest and a mournful The Will.

The great artwork from Staples continues to hit in every single panel in this issue. If anything, the two month break only gave her time to put out even better looking pages, as she makes Vaughan’s script look awesome. During the Saga panel at NYCC, Vaughan mentioned that he asked Staples to draw “the worst thing that anyone has ever seen” in this issue. Well, once you get a look at that full page you will definitely understand that it was a ballsy move.

I wouldn’t necessarily call this a “jumping on point” for a new reader since you only get a very brief recap of what happened before the last issue. At best it’s just a refresher for those who may need a reminder of the previous events. However, that’s not to say that you should skip this issue, because the first six have been collected in a trade paper back to make it easy for anyone to get caught up.

Saga #7 was definitely worth the wait and has returned with the stellar artwork and storytelling that has made it the exciting story it is.

Infinite Speech

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