Ramblings and Reviews: Necrosha, Realm of Kings Finales

Welcome back everybody to my (sometimes) weekly reviews! This is the second part to my reviews from the week of March 31st. I’ve got three more books and two of them are finales. One is a Limited Series ending, the other is an ending to a story line.
***Spoilers Ahead***
First on the list is…Realm of Kings Inhumans #5 of 5.
Publisher: Marvel
Writer(s): Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Artist: Pablo Raimondi (cover by Stjepan Sejic)
Well, I will say one thing about this limited series. It started off very bland, but it did pick up as it went on and finished very nicely. In this issue, we see the fallout from Medusa’s crazy plan of using Maximus to cause chaos just so the Inhumans could squash the problem and gain favor with the Kree people. This doesn’t settle well with Crystal or Ronan, not even bringing Gorgon into the equation. After a brief argument though, the scout ship that went into the Fault comes crashing back to the planet infested with some insane being that is killing people left and right. The Inhumans, along with Ronan and some robots endowed with Black Bolt’s power, eventually quell the disturbance. Afterward, Medusa tells the Kree people that once again the Inhumans have saved the day. This infuriates Gorgon to the point of confronting Medusa, who in turn easily slings him aside. Great set-up for the upcoming Thanos Imperative Story!   4/5
Next up is…Wolverine Origins #46.
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Daniel Way
Artist: Scot Eaton (cover by Leinil Yu)
This issue really faked me out. I thought it was going to be more Romulus crap, but instead it was a great story about Logan telling Kurt (Nightcrawler) about his past indiscretions with the love of his life, Mariko Yashida. Logan tells Kurt about meeting her for the first time and falling in love with her. The subsequent battle with her father, and his war against the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) and the Hand. We see some more of the war he developed with Matsuo Tsurayaba too. Mariko was eventually tricked into poisoning herself, and she begged Logan to kill her rather than suffer from the poison, and so he did. Great story by Way in this book. It was a breath of fresh air to get away from that crummy Romulus arc for a change.   3.5/5
Last but not least is…X-Force #25 (Necrosha).
Publisher: Marvel
Writer(s): Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost
Artist: Clayton Crain
This is the conclusion to the Necrosha story, and I have mixed emotions about it. I think it was good, but I also expected more from this writing tandem. They were really impressing me for quite a while on this book, but I thought this arc would have had a bigger ending. Basically, Selene has achieved ultimate power, but as usual there’s always a secret weapon to nullify ultimate power. So, I guess really, ultimate power really isn’t all that…ultimate, right? The team fighting for its life was really cool. We see Blink get sliced in half by Archangel, and Wolfsbane tear out Mortis’s guts. We also watch as Elixr apparently kills Wither. In the end, the team jumps on Selene and uses Warpath’s mystical dagger to cut out her heart. Selene seems to dissipate, but I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of her.   3.5/5
Well, that’s it for this week’s batch of books, but I’m still about two weeks behind, so expect more in the near future.
Billy Dunleavy

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    That Necrosha issue fell a little flat to me even with it’s good points. Though I’m finally glad this arc justified Ghost Rider showing up way back in issue 8 i think it was.
    Inhumans has been a very good read and I see Crystal and Medusa going at it soon enough. Though she did beat the STUPID out of Gorgon with her hair lol

  2. Billy

    @Speech- Necrosha was good but it seemed to easy to finish her off (and her elite guard). I can’t wait to see Crystal and Medusa throwdown!

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