Zenescope Reviews: Agon #0-#1

Agon #0 + #1
Zenescope Entertainment
Writer: Scott Burn
Artist: Paul Roper

When I first saw Agon in Previews a couple months back I knew it would make its way onto my pull-list; an inter-galactic contest of champions putting Earth’s greatest warriors in a battle to the death, with the fate of the entire planet at stake!  From reading issues #0 and #1 I’m getting a Seven Samurai (or for those of you unfamiliar with Akira Kurasawa’s work just think of  The Magnificent Seven) kinda feel with a little Gladiator thrown in for good measure!

Minor spoilers ahead!

Issue #0 is your typical run of the mill intro comic, it gives you a little background and insight into what’s going on. You get to see a giant six-armed blue ape creature battling a giant centipede monster. You are introduced to the main protagonist, who is a misunderstood scientist whose theories are first scoffed at, but they end up being true. Here is the basic run-down of what I’ve been able to piece together story wise: 50,000 years ago an advanced alien race came to the planet Earth and held a gladiatorial type challenge spanning the galaxy, with the winner earning a grand prize.

The one problem I have with this book is one that is shared by many sci-fi comics and stories- it takes a while for the story to get going. However once the plot gets into a rhythm I think it will lead to some interesting places. There are a wide array of characters that have been chosen by Earth to represent humanity in this inter-galactic competition. The combatants each seem to have their own qualities that lead me to believe each will have a specific role to serve once they begin the competition.  Things do seem to be heating up at the end of issue #1, with the combatants being selected and on their way to this battle royal!

Cover to Agon #4!

It’s just too early to tell on this one as we haven’t even seen the alien contestants yet! It has all the makings of a great sci-fi epic. But until i get to read a little more of this series, I can’t tell how things will play out.  I’m gonna have to go with a “lets wait and see approach” on this one! Agon #1 hits shelves today, so be sure to check it out!

For more reviews of comics by Zenescope Entertainment, click here!

Scott Andrews

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. infinite speech

    Sounds interesting enough but is this a mini or an ongoing series?

  2. Billy

    Very nice artwork, and the story seems interesting as well.

  3. Scott

    It’s a mini series, It looks promising.

  4. Andy

    Sounds like a cool idea!

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