“Red Moon” OGN is Something to Howl About

“Red Moon” OGN is Something to Howl About

While at San Diego Comic Con I ran into a couple of guys who introduced me to their indie graphic novel Red Moon, and boy am I glad they did! The story, art, and design are by David McAdoo, and Steve Kozak produces the work. The basic pitch of the book is that there are two dogs, one of whom is having visions of a red moon, and they’re on a journey to discover the meaning of these visions. Plus there’s a fight with a crow. Red Moon is so much more than that, though; it’s a story about two friends, the relationships we have with our pets, mysteries beyond comprehension, uniting for a common purpose, and the undeniable forces within our universe. I’ve read comics about our domesticated friends before and by far, Red Moon is the best one I’ve come across!

The comic is in black and white with bits of red sprinkled in for the moon. This allows for a crisp clean feeling, which permits the reader to focus on the characters, and McAdoo’s brilliantly detailed landscapes/backgrounds. The panel layouts feel random, as they can differ at any point in size, shape, or position. This is a plus not a minus however as the style gives off sort of an organic feel where the reader is floating along through visions or simply following our heroes on their journey.

The two main characters Mox (or Scruffy depending on who you ask) and Daeden are drawn throughout as you imagine they should be. Whether depicting grins or grimaces you can’t help but be captivated by their expressive faces. That goes for the rest of the characters, too. Our main baddie Krigg, is a crow who’s only interested in climbing to the top of the pecking order…by any means necessary. He would like to see his species get to the top of the food chain as well. It’s true these unfortunate birds always get a bad rap for their ominous nature, and our villain is no exception. Not only is he scary to look at, but he’s not bound by distance in that he can fly, and can strike at any time, anywhere. He adds a thrilling sense of danger and tension to the journey.

Mox and Daeden have their differences, but still find a way to work together and help each other out. Daeden loves the leash free life, and Mox still sees value in the human/animal relationship. This point of view could be why the cosmos bestowed Mox with such a strong connection to the Om-tira, or psychic warning system. Along their journey they meet some very interesting characters, and not all of them are cute and cuddly. Even the ones who help out our heroes don’t always give you a good feeling, and some of them can be down right scary. This voyage is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Have you ever felt compelled to do something beyond your ordinary life? Or explore yourself and your purpose in this world? Well this is as much a quest to answer those questions as it is to find the answer to the red moon. It’s not easy and there’s a few things that happen that could send a lesser dog packing, but Mox has a heart of gold and a determination that won’t quit…not to mention a friend who will do anything for him – including fighting him for his own good.

Throughout the story you just want to take Mox and make him your own, but at the same time he makes you question the way you treat your own pets, or ones you might have had in the past. Red Moon can also make you question the notion of keeping animals in captivity; or even broader subjects, such as if relationships take away freedom or truly add joy to one’s life. Regardless of your stance on the subject, you’ll be rooting for these magnetic mutts every step of the way! And if you’re interested in how these two canine friends met, you can read the prequel Red Moon: The Rising. This one-shot also tells how Krigg got his claim to fame, not to mention how a certain fierce feline lost an eye.

For more on Red Moon and to acquire your own copy, visit the official website at RedMoonGraphicNovel.com!

The Movie Lady

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Andy

    This book looks awesome. Really looking forward to giving it a read!

    The art is what sells it- stunning stuff.

  2. Aron

    So, this looks pretty awesome.

  3. InfiniteSpeech

    This does look like a pretty good story and I love black and white artwork with a focus on a primary color that helps it jump out at you.

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