Marvel Previews: Psylocke #2

Writer Christopher Yost (Red Robin, X-Force, New X-Men) and penciler Harvey Tolibao (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Anita Blake) are currently telling a fun, action-packed tale of the X-Men’s most cunning and sexy character; Betsy Braddock, a.k.a Psylocke. The purple-haired ninja has traveled to Japan to bury her original body once and for all, but of course nothing is ever that easy. Accompanied by Wolverine, who makes a quick exit to attend business of his own, Betsy is attacked by a large group of ninja who belong to The Hand and finds herself embarking upon a mission that she must see to its end. Check out this preview of Psylocke #2:









Psylocke #1 was a solid read, and I’d expect no less from #2. Yost provides for a well written story that incorporates events in Matt Fractions current run on Uncanny X-Men, which doesn’t go unappreciated. It’s possible that Yost may be attempting to clear up what is quite possibly the most mis-understood and head-scratching factoid in X-history; what happened with the bodies of Psylocke and Kwannon. The art by Harvey Tolibao is nothing short of spectacular; his lines are clean and he provides the right feel for an X-book. It would be great to see him become a regular on an ongoing X-title at some point in the future. The coloring is also bright and vibrant, complimenting Tolibao’s work nicely. Psylocke is a mini-series that will satisfy the casual and hardcore X-fan alike, and dedicated followers of Betsy Braddock may need to have a new pair of underoos close by after giving it a read.

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. infinite speech

    Really liking the interiors a lot better than the cover. That 2 inch waist looks horrible lol! I haven’t started this series yet but seeing whats been going on so far i’m actually interested.

  2. billy

    @Speech-I don’t know man, those curves look good to me.

  3. infinite speech

    Billy you didn’t get past her chest lol

  4. Andy

    I see what you mean Speech. It doesn’t bother me that much, but I agree; Tolibao’s art is great!

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