Top Cow Reviews: Postal #12

Postal_12-1Postal #12
Top Cow
Bryan Hill
Isaac Goodhart
Betsy Gonia
Linda Sejic

Postal just took a turn down a dark path which is saying a lot if you’ve been with this series from the beginning. But drastic measures had to be taken due to Eden’s newest resident, Molly. She is a sociopath that swings a bat harder than Beyonce in Lemonade and has aleady claimed one victim. However, the steps to deal with her need to be careful and precise as with most things in this hidden town. Eden is home to those those who have done the worst of the worst and it’s existence is protected. Unfortunately, Molly’s father is one of those in the F.B.I. that’s doing the protecting.

Once again Hill gives a stellar effort in a series has done nothing short of impress issue after issue. The cast is strong and though there are a few that I’m not fond of, their sense of urgency and relavance can’t be denied. He’s also introduced a capable and threatening villain in Molly while the plot to deal with her is multilayered and entertaining all at once. It’s also a pretty diabolical plan but one that makes perfect sense in Mark’s mind as fitting punishment. Though when you consider how Molly has been portrayed I wouldn’t count her out just yet.

However, to effectively carry out this plan a little help is required. Giving Hill the opportunity to introduce another Eden resident with a pretty famous secret. This was a near perfect sequence of events with great dialogue that it would be a shame if Hill doesn’t bring him back at a later point in the story.

As far as the art is concerned there’s not much new to add to the excellent work Goodhart and Gonia have been doing. Constantly moving this story along with exact precision while keeping an air of danger in almost every panel. One of the strongest sequences would have to be the meeting with Dallas. From his character design to the detailed clutter of his home Goodhart shows you a lot about the character if you pay attention. Gonia’s colors really set the mood and reinforces the tone of Hill’s story and the three of these talents are just in sync once again. Oh, you should also pay attention to a certain magazine here if you’re a fan of Stjepan Sejic!

If you’re a fan of suspense thrillers with an ever evolving ensemble cast, great storytelling, and some surprise moments then you should be reading Postal. This issue wraps up the end of the arc with the series set to return in July. So that gives you time to get caught up if you’re a little behind and realize for yourself how great of a series this is!

Infinite Speech

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Javier

    This would make for an interesting t.v. show.

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