Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/28/16

Action Comics #964 (DC) NickZ: You almost want to believe that somehow, someway, this is really Clark Kent. Adventure Time Comics #3 (Boom!) NickZ: This starts with a dope DJ…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/28/16

Character Spotlight: Luke Cage

Sweet Christmas! A Hero for Hire, Harlem's protector, Jessica's husband, and Danielle's dad. The man with the diamond tough skin is coming to the small screen with his own show…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/27/16

Action Comics #960 (DC) Martin: 3/5 stars. Wonder Woman is a nice distraction to more continued Supes/Doomsday punching but art is inconsistent. Infinite Speech: Klytus...I'm bored. Batman: Detective Comics #937…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/27/16

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/06/16

4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 (Valiant) Infinite Speech: Now that's what I was missing! Aquaman #2 (DC) Arnab: Is Black Manta Aquaman's only reoccurring enemy? Maybe that's why he was considered…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/06/16

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 06/22/16

Action Comics #958 (DC) Martin: 4.5/5 stars. They are certainly living up to the "action" part of the name. Lots of questions raised, none answered. NickZ: The idea of Superman…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 06/22/16