Ink Stains 97: CPL 8

Neal Adams, John Byrne, Craig Russell, Howard Chaykin, Don Maitz... all this and more in CPL 8! CPL 8: 1974 Editor/publisher: Bob Layton Anyone who follows this column knows what…

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Character Spotlight: Storm

Leader of the X-Men and the Morlocks. Queen of Wakanda. Weather goddess of Kilimanjaro Valley. Ororo Munroe has held all these titles and more. How does a street urchin master…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/03/16

4001 A.D. Warmother #1 (Valiant) Infinite Speech: A badass new character, a sentient gun, and Fred Van Lente & Tomas Giorello deliver one of the best new comics from Valiant!…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/06/16

4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 (Valiant) Infinite Speech: Now that's what I was missing! Aquaman #2 (DC) Arnab: Is Black Manta Aquaman's only reoccurring enemy? Maybe that's why he was considered…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/09/15

Action Comics #44 (DC) Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I've been enjoying this current arc, but this issue was a bit confusing, like a whole page got missed. A-Force #4 (Marvel) Infinite…

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Tales From The Water Cooler #224

Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler! Join The Comic Book Clergyman, Infinite Speech and SpidermanGeek each week as they gather around the water cooler of stories to talk about…

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