Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/09/17

Accel #3 (Lion Forge) Infinite Speech: The art and layout designs really steal the show! Action Comics #985 (DC) NickZ: Lex and Superman's team-up lasts about as long as you'd…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/09/17

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/02/17

Adventure Time Regular Show #1 (Boom!) NickZ: The crossover we've all been waiting for was definitely worth the wait! Bane Conquest #4 (DC) NickZ: It seems odd to me that…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/02/17

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/26/17

Action Comics #984 (DC) Martin: 4/5 stars. I upgraded the score as the entire arc was good, but this ending was sub-par. Villain team-up under-utilized. NickZ: Talk about a huge…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/26/17