Bento Bako Lite: March 2010 Previews

Welcome back to another Previews preview!  There are plenty of interesting things to take a look at this month, so let's get right to it. Kris's Pre-Orders Vampire Knight volume…

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Film Fatale: X2: X-Men United

X2: X-Men United was released in 2003 three years after the first X film with Bryan Singer returning to his role as director. The rest of the cast makes a…

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X-Men Power Rankings #4

Hey there Comic Attackers! If you’re like me you can never get enough of the X-Men. Yet, there are so many mutants out there that they’ve become incredibly hard to…

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The Comics Console: Superman 64 pt 4

Superman 64 will never die. It's epic failure will remain like an ex-girlfriend's name tattooed on the ass of nerd culture. It will be forever reviled, but most of all…

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A Dandy Review: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7

Title: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7 Publisher: Marvel Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist/Inks: Takeshi Miyazawa Colors: Justin Ponsor "Spider-Man and his amazing friends, Iceman and the Human Torch, team up to…

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Marvel Previews: S.H.I.E.L.D. #1

Coming this April from writer Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four, Secret Warriors) and artist Dustin Weaver (X-Men) is Shield #1. Marvel has released this info along with some artwork, which I'll…

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X-Men Power Rankings #10 + #9

Hey there Comic Attackers! If you’re like me you can never get enough of the X-Men. Yet, there are so many mutants out there that they’ve become incredibly hard to…

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