The Comics Console: Hellboy: The Science of Evil

BREAKING NEWS: Batman Arkham Asylum developer Rocksteady has released a full length trailer for their next Batman game. The trailer includes some unexpected guest appearances and story hints that will…

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The Comics Console: Aliens vs. Predator

Since their films in the 1980's, the gruesome stars of the Alien and Predator movies have blown up in sci-fi culture, scoring their own comic book mini-series, and even facing…

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The Comics Console: Superman 64 pt 4

Superman 64 will never die. It's epic failure will remain like an ex-girlfriend's name tattooed on the ass of nerd culture. It will be forever reviled, but most of all…

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The Comics Console: Pinball!

The Comics Console has always featured some of comic book's greatest and not-so-greatest adventures in video games, but this week we're taking a look at a piece of super hero…

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