Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/16/2011

Amazing Spider-Man #674 (Marvel) Infinite Speech: This issue sets up the next arc and from the looks of things Spidey will be getting his ass kicked real soon. Jeff: It's amazing…

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DC Reviews: Batwoman #3

Batwoman #3 Publisher: DC Comics Writers: J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman Artist: J.H. Williams III Colors: Dave Stewart Letters: Todd Klein Asst. Editor: Katie Kubert Assoc. Editor: Janelle…

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Off the Shelf: Book Recommendations I

So you've finally decided to start reading more literature. Perhaps it's because you want to have something to talk about when your friends start talking about literature. Perhaps it's because…

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Bento Bako Bonus: No Longer Human volume 1

Title: No Longer Human Author: Usamaru Furuya (Genkaku Picasso), original novel by Osamu Dazai Publisher: Vertical Inc. Volume: Volume 1 (of three), $10.95 Vintage: 2009 by Shinchosha Publishing Co., October…

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