New York Comic Con 2010 Pt 4: The Art of Cosplay!

Have you been keeping up with the NYCC recap? If not, check out the previous installments and see how I went from enjoying long lines to clashing with “Iceman” to my moment with former Uncanny X-Men scribe Chris Claremont. It’s turning out to be one interesting day and it’s not even half over yet, as I’ve still got to see if I can at least get Decapitated Dan a Locke & Key book signed by Gabriel Rodriguez and pick up some artwork and books for myself.

For now though, I’m going to take some time out and recognize the fans of the event, mainly the cosplayers who come out and strut their stuff in a variety of costumes. From anime to comics, video games, movies, and television, these guys and gals put it down and they do it with a swagger all their own. This is definitely an art form as some sew and craft the various parts of their costumes by hand and put countless hours into remaking themselves into one of their favorite characters. Now many of you know about my incident with the mutant menace known as “Iceman” and that my camera was pretty much crap afterwards. So a few are from me, but many of the following pics are from the fans and cosplayers themselves. I’d like to give credit to Grady Dixson, Supa Cool, Asjad Naqvi, and the anonymous young lady! Thanks!

Green Lantern, Black Canary, & Green Arrow

Sandperson and Jawa look to scrap Tony Stark!

Video games and Comics side by side!


Lion O has shaved pits! Who would have guessed!

For the Venture Bros. Fans!

I wonder if Rogue knows Daken is right behind her?

That is one cool ass Dr. Strange!

Loki and Sue were the reason it was so hot on the con floor!

It’s good to see Rogue Squadron taking some time off.

Joe and Cobra Date Night!

Cyborg Superman

The kind of girl you bring home to mom!

Magdalena was of course near the Top Cow booth!

Noir Spidey and Catwoman

Larfleez & Star Sapphires just can’t get along!

Tats on Leia would have been SO much better in ROTJ!

I just became a Pixie fan!

There you have it Comic Attackers! A brief glimpse at several of the cosplayers from NYCC 2010. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the next installment of  the NYCC Recap!

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Andy

    Jek Porkins, Rogue, and Pixie FTW!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    Porkins is the man and Pixie is just too damn cute! There were so many great costumes throughout the entire place it was bananas man!

  3. Billy

    I thought Porkins got blown up? Rogue is hot btw. 😀

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    Yes Porkins did get blasted and ended up space dust and I thought Loki and Sue would be more your speed Billy. Guess I was wrong lol

  5. Billy

    @Speech- Loki scares the beejeesus outta me in that pic. Pixie is hot too! Wasn’t Porkins the…”stay on target”, guy? lol

  6. InfiniteSpeech

    “Stay on target!” Famous last words lol Loki was hot but yeah a little intimidating but I kept thinking how heavy is that damn head gear?! lol

  7. Nick

    Is it just me or does Rogue kinda look like Alyssa Milano?

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