Valiant Reviews: Ninjak #14

Valiant Reviews: Ninjak #14


Ninjak #14
Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist: Diego Bernard
Colorist: Ulises Arreola & Pete Pantazis
Cover: Jelena Kevoc-Djurdjevic

With the beginning of this new arc it looks as if Matt Kindt isn’t given Ninjak any downtime. After his recent return from the Deadside, Colin King is attempting to center himself. However, since that wouldn’t make for an exciting issue it looks as if someone has their sights set on killing him. After noticing that certain things are off in his home, Ninjak barely escapes the first attempt with his life. From here on he is a man on the run as things go from worse to (insert the most horrible movie you’ve ever seen here).

There is much about this issue that is refreshingly good and improves on what we’ve seen in the last couple of arcs. If you have been out of the loop for a while the recap along with Kindt’s smooth introduction will quickly get you up to speed here. Having Ninjak himself narrate the beginning of the story further explores the man beyond the swords, training, and violence. While at the same time Kindt still keeps that a part of him which is nicely done when Colin starts to realize he’s in danger. The recall combined with quick flashes show a highly trained eye and mind that subtly show how skilled our hero is. King is also stripped of his resources and has very little to rely on and if this is any indication of how the story is going then Kindt is writing the best arc currently in this series. The dialogue is perfect and I even let out an audible laugh during the sequence with the wristwatch. There’s also a back-up story involving Colin’s parents that shows just how dangerous these two were during their time as agents.

The visuals are strong throughout from Bernard who shows a perfectly tense pace during the destruction of Colin’s home. The dynamic panels help with the sense of urgency but it’s when you see the outside and the full scale of the aftermath that you know things are even worse. The fight sequence in Neville’s office was nicely done as everything about it gave you the claustrophobic feeling with all of those bodies throwing punches and kicks. Colin’s shirt with the ‘K’ on it was a nice visual touch as well as if he’s not noticeable enough.

Never read Ninjak? Then grab this issue and dive right into the madness that is Colin King’s life because the story and art are some of the best around! Kindt make sure this is as good a jumping in point as any and gives you just a taste of how good this series is and why Ninjak a great read. And with Roku after him, things can only get better!

Infinite Speech




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