Welcome back to part 3 of My First San Diego Comic Con. Part 1 was a primer of things to come, and in Part 2 we met X-Men legend, Chris Claremont! Today we take a look at the most unique element of SDCC that almost everybody looks forward to: Cosplay!
On Friday I met some awesome Cosplayers who were not only dedicated to their characters, but were very willing to be photographed. We have three groups of Cosplay pictures to showcase, this one being the first, and with each group you will have the opportunity to vote for your favorites in the poll below! The Top 4 Cosplayers from each of the three groups (A, B, and C) will be featured in the Top 12 Cosplayers of SDCC 2010 poll which will go live on Sunday. There will be a prize given out to the top 2 vote getters from MyTeeSpot.com (details below), so be sure to voice your opinion on who you think has the best costume!
I’m not going to pretend like I know who all these Cosplayers are supposed to be, but I’ll try my best. To keep things simple, each Cosplayer is assigned a number you can find in the poll below. I apologize in advance for some of the blurry pictures- that Con floor was packed with people. So get voting!

Now VOTE for your favorites! The Top 4 from this group will move on to our Top 12 Cosplayers from SDCC 2010 poll which will be posted on Sunday!
Prizes for this contest are sponsored by MyTeeSpot.com. For a selection of t-shirts available, please visit the Super Hero T-Shirts section of their site. Styles and sizes are only available as listed. Winners will be required to forward their names and addresses to andy@comicattack.net before being able to claim their prize.
That’s all for now, but be sure to check in tomorrow as we’ll be taking a tour across the Con floor, meeting various creators and publishers I encountered throughout the day! And be sure to look for Cosplay groups B and C later this week.
For previous installments of My First San Diego Comic Con click here!
Andy Liegl
Damn, it’s too hard to pick just one!
I think I’m going with the dad and two kids. Just awesome!
Also, if I could vote for the worst, it’d be Ravager. What the heck is that guy, I think its a dude, thinking! Gotta be the ugliest Ravager ever.
Once you go Elf…well, that’s pretty much it! lol
Eli- Ravager is a chick. The picture doesn’t do her justice. She was kinda cute in person. I blame the camera man!!
I think Red X is a cover identity that Robin used in the Teen Titans cartoon.
Andy, seriously, thats a girl. Man o man you must have one magic camera there, cuz I would swear that thats a dude. Although, I can make out what seem to be boobies. OK, well, I guess I was really wrong. I’d like to apologize to that Ravager girl for thinking she was a man. Sorry Rose
I thought his name was Captain Marvel.
Either way, my vote goes to the Trooper and Jawas.
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Voltron +1…and yes, Red X is from Teen Titans.
Pingback: My First San Diego Comic Con part 4: Signings and More on the Con Floor
Zombified Star Wars characters! I vote yes
Pingback: My First San Diego Comic Con part 6: More Signings and Adventures on the Con Floor
Pingback: My First San Diego Comic Con part 7: Cosplay Group C
Thanks for posting the pics. Btw, the unknown group of soldiers are from a minitures wargame called Warhammer 40K. They are all various soldiers from various armies. It recently has become a video game as well. Thanks!
Pingback: The Top 13 Cosplayers of SDCC Contest!
Pingback: The Top 13 Cosplayers of SDCC 2010: The Winners!
Pingback: My First San Diego Comic Con part 5: Cosplay Group B
Red X is the evil version of Robin from the Teen Titans :). He intended to use his alter persona to infiltrate and gain the trust of Slade. But his plan backfired…yeah.