My First San Diego Comic Con part 1: A Primer

My First San Diego Comic Con part 1: A Primer

Hey Comic Attackers, your editor-in-chief here, reporting on my first ever San Diego Comic Con experience!

So how was it? Well, my most prominent thought is, “Holy balls, that was #%&@ing awesome!” I only had a day pass for Friday, but in that 11 hour span my inner geek was usurped with cool stuff and amazing people every moment of the day. The most surprising part? I only smelled B.O. twice the entire time. Incredible!

All this week, I will be posting articles recounting my experience at Con, which will cover all sorts of different stuff. Stuff like the people I met at various publisher booths, signings attended, the cool schwag I acquired from dealers (heh heh), and more! Also, be sure to keep checking in to vote for your favorite Cosplayers from Friday!

But before we actually get to all the juicy stuff, you’re going to have to wait in line with me and experience what it was like right before entering the Con!

After driving for a little over two hours from Los Angeles to San Diego, we parked at PETCO Park around 7:30 am. That’s when we finally saw it. Here she is: Geek Mecca.

Black Beauty in all her glory.

The Movie Lady and I munching on ham and chicken salad sandwiches at 7:45 am. Gotta fill the tank! Nom nom nom.

My good friends Chris and Mike who allowed us to accompany them on their voyage to San Diego. This was their first SDCC too!

We got to the front door around 7:50 am, but before we could go inside, we had to wait in line to get our badges. Those doors didn’t open until 8:30, so we had some time to kill. Regardless, the line was still freakin’ HUGE to get in at this time, and it only got larger. We were walking past people in line for a good two-three minutes before we finally reached the end. It twisted all around the Convention Center, in-between narrow walkways, and eventually ending at the marina outside of the nearby hotel. That’s where we ended up.

You’re tellin’ me!

Who else is psyched for this movie?

It was at this point when I decided to walk around after realizing that we had a half an hour to kill. I walked all the way to the end of the marina, where I ended up in this gardeny area on the water. It was very serene. The first thing I encountered was this shitty statue.

Then I saw this cool looking thing.

Around 8:10 am or so I lit up a smoke and looked out onto the water. It was a nice, hazy day, around 70 F. I love looking out on the water.

About a minute or so later, I moved down to the edge and took this video:

Sorry if I offended anyone by using the word “freak”, but lets be honest; I was about to enter SDCC, so you know what hilarity I’m talking about! Immediately after filming this little clip, the chicken salad sandwich I had earlier, combined with mild dehydration, announced to me that finding a bathroom was something that needed to be done immediately. It was only 8:15 am. I had time!

…or so I thought. As soon as I got out of the nearby hotel, my phone erupted with a half dozen texts exclaiming, “The line is moving!” and “Where are you!?” and “RUN!!” And run I did! It was 8:28 am and the line was indeed moving- and quickly too! I literally had to sprint from the bathroom to the entrance of the Convention Center. I slipped on the way, dirtying my X-Men jacket (noooo!) but finally made it to the entrance where The Movie Lady was patiently awaiting my arrival. With a laugh we went inside, checked ourselves in, and got our exclusive Comic Con bag (that’s ENORMOUS, bigger than the one that guy had in the picture) and program. With baited breath we went directly in line to try and draw a ticket for the Chris Claremont signing…

But more on that tomorrow! Look for the column, “How I Met Chris Claremont” to find out what went down, and be sure to come back to every day this week for more photos from San Diego Comic Con 2010!

For more installments of My First San Diego Comic Con click here!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    When you mentioned Black Beauty I thought you were referring to me there buddy! lol

  2. Jeff Jackson

    Thank you for letting us all live vicariously through you. My sabbatical is in 5 years, and I plan to include San Diego in the itinerary.

  3. Billy

    I’m hoping to make it someday, maybe next year (hopefully will be sending several of its journalists-hint,hint). lol

  4. Aron will have their own booth next year! And we’ll be signing stuff. Like babies and busts…just like rock stars do.

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