Marvel Reviews: Age of Heroes #1

Age of Heroes #1 0f 4
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Various
Art: Various
Cover: Greg Tocchini
Variant Cover: Mike Perkins
Price: US $3.99
Released: May 19,2010

***This review, at times, may contain minor spoilers.***

J. Jonah Jameson in “Thumb on the Pulse
Writer: Kurt Busiek  Art: Marko Djurdjevic

Mayor Jameson doing what he does best.  Only this time, on a much larger scale.  Some things never change.  Some people never learn.

Doctor Voodoo in “A Date with the Doctor
Writer: Rick Remender  Art: Chris Samnee

Boy, it’s tough being the Sorcerer Supreme.  Especially when you’re trying to be handy with the ladies!

Captain Britain & MI:13 in “Diplomatic Incident
Writer: Paul Cornell  Art: Leonard Kirk

Steve Rogers presides over a Government reception of British heroes in Washington, D.C.  Avengers membership is extended to two fine heroes.

Spider-Man in “New York State of Mind
Writer: Dan Slott  Art: Ty Templeton

New Yorkers will be New Yorkers!

Marvel has put together another anthology of short stories.  This time they have a purpose other than just to take our money; to ring in the new Heroic Age.  If the ending of one of the stories had a “to be continued…” attached to it, it would have been Marvel Comics Presents in disguise.

I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.  I liked Marvel Comics Presents.  I really liked it back in the day and I enjoyed its return a few years ago.  But like each issue of Marvel Comics Presents, this first issue of Age of Heroes had some high points and some low points.

The high points for me were the Doctor Voodoo and  Spider-Man stories.  I haven’t been fond of Brother Voodoo being the Sorcerer Supreme, but that’s because I didn’t know much about him and never gave him a chance.  He’s pretty cool.  I would definitely read more Doctor Voodoo stories.  The Spider-Man story was the shortest of the four entries.  It was only a single page, but one page was all it took for Dan Slott’s sense of humor to shine through and get an actual laugh.

As far as the art in this anthology, none of it was weak.

Overall, I would say that these stories aren’t really essential for you to keep up with what’s going on in the Marvel Universe.  It is, however, a nice little break from all of the crazy, busy, and fast paced events that are, and have been, going on.  If you’re wanting to walk on the lighter side of the super hero community for a minute to catch your breath, or if you’re one of those who dig short story anthologies in comics, go ahead and pick it up.  It’s totally safe.

Aron White

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Andy

    I thought this was ok.

    It would have been cool to see Captain Britain on the roster though!

  2. Aron

    Yeah, I haven’t decided if I’m on board or not for #2. The second issue looks to be tales from the junk drawer of the Marvel Universe. Not sure if I want to plunk down my hard earned on unnecessary stories about new or seldom used characters.

    I’ll be checking #2’s table of contents, fo’ sho!

  3. Billy

    The Brother Voodoo story was cool.

  4. Aron

    Yeah, I liked that Brother Voodoo story a bunch. I kinda wish I would have bought that mini right after he became Sorcerer Supreme.

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