Dark Horse Reviews: Magnus, Robot Fighter #2

Magnus, Robot Fighter #2
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Jim Shooter
Art: Bill Reinhold and Mike Manley
Once some people buy a comic, they bag it and never re-read it. Magnus, Robot Fighter is here to change that. It is the first title in a while that I find myself going back and reading twice over (and I’m sure I’ll revisit it plenty more in the future). Magnus continues fighting against robots and mob scum in the second issue of his awesome new series from Dark Horse, on stands now. Magnus, Robot Fighter issue #2 lives up to the incredible action-packed first issue, full of great fight scenes, sci-fi action, and a fun story, all laid out for us by the team of Shooter, Reinhold, and Manley.
Shooter has laid out for us a great story in these pages. It’s nothing ground-breaking or revolutionary, it is as I described over and over before: a simply kick-ass story. It’s classic Magnus action. It’s him going in, fighting a hoard of bad-robots and mutants, and saving the day, and that’s what we want with this title. Shooter, you have hit the nail on the head and have captured exactly what this character is, a Tarzan stuck in a dystopian robot filled future. The artwork by Bill Reinhold and Manley is fantastic on this issue, bringing the action scenes Shooter has written to perfect visual life on the page. There is this total feeling of an early 90s side scrolling video game with this world, which is the world of Magnus delivered to us in a perfect rendering.
Magnus, Robot Fighter is 22 pages of tech-bashing glory that I feel like I can’t say enough things about. Simply within just two issues, shooter has transformed it into my new favorite title. On stands now, buy it today!
Drew McCabe

This Post Has One Comment

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I’ll wait and pick this up in trade to see how I feel about the Magnus relaunch. I was never into the character when he was at Valiant but I did keep hearing good things about the book and the same thing about the DH release of the title as well.

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