Another Long Beach Comic Con has come and gone but this has to be the biggest one yet! Lines out the door wrapping around itself, going on for hours just to get your tickets! Inside it was packed to the brim with amazing cosplay and all sorts of wonderful art pieces. I was lucky enough to get to go and take some pictures of the event and able to share them with you, so without further ado, here they are!

Hope you liked a look at Long Beach Comic Con 2015! They had big name guests like John Barrowman and Chloe Bennet. Sadly, I couldn’t get anywhere near them but I did hear the fans did so that’s good to hear. There were all sorts of neat cosplays that I didn’t even get to take a shot of. Long Beach Comic Con has been a very fun con over the years and I’m glad to see it growing in size and popularity. Can’t wait to see where it goes from here.
Dr. Bustos