Exclusive Contest: Win 2 Sketch Covers by Artist J.K. Woodward! Exclusive Contest: Win 2 Sketch Covers by Artist J.K. Woodward!

UPDATE 4/2/11: One of our contest winners never claimed their prize, so we have re-drawn! Check towards the end of the comments section for details!

UPDATE 3/22/11: The contest winners have been announced! Check towards the end of the comments section for details!

Artist J.K. Woodward is a great friend and supporter of, and he wants to give back to our community by offering two totally rad sketch covers of Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 to two lucky fans of our site! Fallen Angel, a book with strong religious themes, is published by IDW and written by Peter David.

To enter the contest, leave a comment on this article (below) stating which of the following 11 hand-picked pieces painted by J.K. you like best! That’s it! These 11 pieces are J.K.’s personal favorites, and we want to know which one stands out above the rest. As an added feature, click on any of the images to head over to J.K.’s personal blog and read up on his process of painting them- but don’t forget to come back here and comment!

After the 11 images you can see the two sketch covers that are up for grabs. Winners will be selected at random. One entry per person, and we can only ship to the U.S. or Canada. Your chance to enter ends on Sunday, March 20th at 11:59 pm, Pacific Time. Winners will be announced in the comments section of this article on Tuesday, March 22nd. staff are not eligible to win.

Good luck and happy commenting! Oh, and go read Fallen Angel: Return of the Son in stores now- it kicks ass!




Borg Troopers

More on the Borg Troopers here and here.


Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A


Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover B




Johnny Recon

More on Johnny Recon here.


Space Ghost/Batman Beyond

8 )

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

More on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends here.


Steam Witch

More Steam Witch here and here.


Strange Science Fantasy



Which image above is your favorite? Tell us below in the comments and be entered for your chance to win one of the two original sketch covers below of Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 drawn by J.K.:



Check out our J.K. Woodward archive, complete with interviews and previews of his work, including Belladonna and Fallen Angel, by clicking here!

Visit J.K.’s personal sites, including, his artblog, twitter account, and a little more here.

Thanks for your participation!

Editor’s Note: has been officially nominated for an Eagle Award! Please click here to vote for us in the “Favorite Comic Book Website” category (question #27). Thank you for your continued support!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 155 Comments

  1. joseph

    i like the batman vs robocop because either way”DEAD OR ALIVE YOUR COMING WITH ME! plus i have my hands on a few collectables from both heros!

  2. Andy

    I’m not eligible to win, but my favorite is #8- Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. I want to own that piece, or at least a print of it. Make that happen JK!

    My runner-ups are: #6, Johnny Recon and #10, Strange Science Fantasy.

  3. Janna

    I have to choose?! Borg Troopers (#2) wins for me, but I recently fell in love with Star Trek, so I’m a bit biased. A close runner up would be Bat/Robocop (#1).

  4. Jake

    #10 Strange Science Fantasy. Though all are pretty awesome, I feel this one is the most creative, with the best visual composition.

  5. Fenix1977

    I love that Darth Vader!

  6. Julio

    Im really loving number 10, I’m a sucker for some Strange Science Fantasy

  7. Steve-Jam

    Borg Troopers is the color. Batman Beyond and Space Ghost is very cool as well.

  8. Damaris

    Love the Batman/Robocop.. excellent!!

  9. Jeff

    They are all awesome, and I’m not eligible to win either, but that Spidey & His Amazing Friends is just….well….amazing! Thanks to J.K. for being so cool! Good luck to the winner!!!!

  10. Jessica

    #9 Steam Witch. As a costumer Im always looking for new and sexy ways to outfit this genre. Fabulous Job!

  11. Andy Jewett

    A lot of great choices for prints here but I really love #10 Strange Science Fantasy.

  12. Eric

    #3 is definitely my favorite. It’s the ass kickiest. All are great though.

  13. Terra

    I think you did a wonderful job on Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A

  14. Chris Kipiniak

    I’m partial to the Steamwitch. Glorious.

  15. Luis

    Space Ghost/Batman Beyond!

  16. Monique

    Batman vs. Robocop.

  17. James Rowe

    I like the borg troopers

  18. InfiniteSpeech

    Not eligible but If she’s packin’ in the back like that I can over look the robot arm on Steam Witch! Great work all around James!

  19. BPS

    My sci-fi nerd-dom wins out with #2.

    Honestly, these are all beautiful pieces. 🙂

  20. John Wimmer

    I have to go with #8 – Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. It brings me back to when I was a kid and loved Sat morning cartoons which led to my love of comics.

  21. lisa

    #3,#1,& #2…in that order…amazing work on all them all=)

  22. msamy72

    I have to say #2 – Star Trek and Star Wars… plus – Darth is crazy awesome…. as a second – Steam Witch is HOt 😉

  23. Emily

    I really like the Darth Vadar one! It’s really awesome.

  24. Collin Royster

    My favorite is #2 of these pics. bringing star wars and star trek together would be awesome. The Borg Troopers are great. And the concept of them really stick out in my eyes. Thanks for offering this contest.. pretty awesome art work..

  25. Collin Royster

    My second favorite is #8 just for the whole marvel thought with peter parker and iceman and the phoenix (im assuming) really great layouts on everything. But those 2 are my favorite. sorry for the double post…

  26. Andreas

    Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A is my choice.

    I just love the expression there and how intense it appears. You would not want that angel flying at you like that. Plus the background is beautiful and the sense of motion is great as well.

  27. Nick

    I’m not eligible to win either but I vote for Spidey and His amazing friends. It was tough, I also love the Star Wars/Star Trek Borg Troopers.

  28. Mike

    I vote Johnny Recon, and not for the obvious reason that the girl is hot. I think its an artistic approach to cover art where as traditionally we see the main characters in some triumphant crescendoing pose (much like the space ghost/batman beyond cover or the Fallen angel stuff). Johnny Recon art is more like a “slice of life” approach that makes me wonder what the rest of his story is all about.
    My 2 cents.

  29. Aron

    Gotta get me some of that #5, The Ghoul. If I were eligible, anyways. Aron may not be eligible, but RUSTY SHACKELFORD IS!!!!!

  30. Nicholas

    I gotta go with the Batman Robocop one. That’s hilarious!

  31. Little John

    I’l have to go with #3! The cover for the comic that was
    so good it came out two weeks in a row.

  32. Blake Matthews

    As a life-long Star Wars fan, Borg Troopers is my favorite. And it smartly combines Star Wars and Star Trek.

  33. John

    #6, johnny recon

  34. Daniel

    It has to be Space Ghost as he is the most bad ass of all superheroes.

  35. Paul

    Gotta be the Batman/Robocop, I love the use of reflection to show the reader additional info and details.

  36. Billy

    #7: Batman Beyond/Space Ghost. Space Ghost kicks ass and Terry McGinnis makes one hell of a futuristic batman

  37. Brandon Stephens

    I love the Batman and Robocop. It has such a real feel to it, from the stitching in Batman’s to his life like facial features. It reall represents the type of Batman I would expect to bump into in dark alley. The reflection of robocop in the batarang is a nice touch, but I don’t think the batarang will do much good against Robocop’s iron plating. It might piss him off and he has a killer trigge finger.

  38. Bryce christiansen

    Spider-man and his amazing friends rocks!

  39. Amber Love

    What a difficult decision! There are some beautifully rendered images there. I have to go with #8, Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends. It’s one of the cartoons that inspired me to delve into the world of comics and dress up as Firestar. The show didn’t really give them the chance to be deeply evolved characters but for a kids’ show, it was fun and memorable.

  40. Thom

    I’m partial to number 2(Borg Troopers) I do really like number one as well.

  41. BobBretall

    I really like that Steam Witch one. Really nice use of color, beautiful woman, and I love the 2 people looking out those portholes that are the eyes of the giant robot-head. Very inventive piece.

    PS: Voted for you guys on the Eagle award. Good luck!

  42. Capekiller

    I think I like #9 “Steam Witch” the best. There’s lots to look at in the picture. The two people stuck in the copper machine force the reader to do all kinds of inferring. I think the colours really work as well. All in all, lots of great art to choose from though!

  43. Danadu

    I am torn between Th Batman/Robocop, the detail is beautiful, and #7 the Batman Beyond/SpaceGhost cover. I went with #7. I love that he depicts the characters faithful to their own styles and histories and does so while making them his own creation. It’s retro and new all at once. I also love the Spidey and Amazing friends purely for nostalgic reasons. They are all excellent works but that’s my take on it.

  44. Steve Premo

    I’m a big fan of Fallen Angel, and really like “Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A.” I have to say, though, that I just saw the “Steam Witch” cover and it knocks me out! The giant steampunk robot is brilliant, and Steam Witch herself is magnificently drawn. And hot.

  45. Corey Tacker

    My favorite is the Batman/Robocop art. I’d love to see J.K. take on a Batman comic. As long as it didn’t interfere with Fallen Angel, of course.

  46. Brett Hudgins

    My favorite of the eleven paintings is number 8, depicting Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. The cartoon was a terrific introduction to the Marvel Universe, and Firestar was the Harley Quinn of her day — an animated character who gained enough popularity to join the comic book canon. Plus, the image is so well rendered that you can practically hear Frank Welker as Iceman teasing Peter and Angelica. Nicely done.

  47. Joe Sanderson

    My favorite is Fallen Angel Return of the Son #1 Cover A. Very striking image of Liandra.

  48. fairportfan

    “Return of the Son” A (#3) hands down.

    Expresses clearly the rage that is so important a part of Lee’s character in a very dynamic composition.

  49. George Shuma

    I’m partial to #4 because it so richly captures these two characters while acentuating their differences.

  50. Mike Oppermann

    Number two is the best. I don’t even like Star Wars, but the Borg Troopers and Borg Star are amazing.

  51. christopher h

    i really like the strange science fantasy image, #10

  52. Riley

    Steam Witch! Steam Witch! Come on, people! I’d take an original character over Batman any day!!

    …Not that your Batman isn’t fantastic, JK. Because it is.

  53. Brett Harris

    Johnny Recon. The ship outside the window in the background the gun and jacket in the forground. Very cool pulpy sci-fi with a r-rated twist. Fun stuff.

  54. J.K. Woodward

    First thank you all for the kind words and for participating in this.
    Second, for those that liked either the Johnny Recon or Strange Science Fantasy piece, I should point (in case you didn’t know) out that those 2 are based on a couple of terrific small press books by PopGun Pulp and IDW(respectively)!
    Johnny Recon by Mitch Gerads and Scott Dillon –
    Strange Science Fantasy by Scott Morse –
    check it out, I think you’ll enjoy them!

    and third: Those who liked Steam Witch, Thank you! This is my invention and I will talk a lot more about where that’s going in a couple of months if all goes well. Follow me here if you want to stay updated:

    Thanks again, all of you, for participating! It means the world to me.I love getting feedback.

  55. Bob Tyler

    Batman/Robocop definitely. Great retro look for Batman.

  56. William Dale

    I gotta go with Space Ghost/Batman Beyond. Two of my favorite characters I never expected to see together.

  57. JIm Lancaster

    The Steam Witch image in #9 is amazing! You can’t go wrong with the combination of a sexy, steam punk-y girl and a cool giant robot. Hooray!

  58. Ted Willis

    I like Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends the best. Great action poses.

  59. Mel Lang

    Steam Witch. Can’t wait to see more of that character!

  60. Neil Sharp

    I’m torn between Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A, and Strange Science Fantasy. I think I am leaning towards SSF, because of the use of light and shadow. But I would give honorable mention to the FA cover.

  61. Geneva Brooks

    Borg Troopers! That’s a crossover I want to see. And Darth Vader looks so real.

  62. Mary Evans

    Borg Troopers! I want that poster.

  63. William Diamonnd

    I love the mood of Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover B!!

  64. Paul Royce

    I’ll go with Strange Science Fantasy. I like the aging effect. And it makes me want to read that story.

  65. steve levanduski

    #11 Wolina –love the look on her face and the flapper outfit

  66. DanMan

    #1, that is just such a fantastic rendering of a very unique and realistic Batman cowl. Add in Robocop and it’s almost too much awesome in one picture!

  67. Dan Smithers

    Batman/Robocop. Im imagining a whole graphic novel in that style…

  68. Will Greenburg

    Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 cover A FTW!

  69. Hollie Buchanan

    Lucky #7 — gotta go with Space Ghost. But they’re all fabulous.

  70. Tom Czarniak

    I like the Batman/Robocop piece the best. Not because of the characters, but the texture of Batman’s cowl mixed with the perfect brick background really worked for me. The two Fallen Angel: Return of the Son covers are gorgeous, though.

  71. Stacy Korn

    I’m a bit biased, but my favorite is Space Ghost/Batman Beyond. JK donated it to our Auction to raise money for our local women’s shelter and it raised a lot of money to help families in need. And it is pretty kick ass!

  72. William Fee

    The Steam Angel is a rather nice piece. Like the combo of retro-futurism and steampunk he accomplished there. And the machine puts me in mind of a strange, twisted TARDIS.

  73. Terry Schmitz

    I like Space Ghost/Batman Beyond. Great classic heroic poses. And an interesting crossover idea.

  74. Bill Tuckerson

    Wolalina. I like how it evokes the roaring ’20’s, a favorite era of mine.

  75. Doug Smidebush

    “Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A” is AMAZING! You can feel the rage from Lee and the back ground is beautiful.

  76. Antonio (Tony) Amador

    Very difficult choice. I am going with Steam Witch.

  77. Tifany Tyler

    I’m going with Spider-Man and his amazing friends. Looks fun.

  78. Todd Maxwell

    Batman/Robocop is my favorite of this spectacular group of covers.

  79. Sean Jackson

    I’ve got to go with the Batman/Robocop one, #1.

  80. Mark

    “Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A” for its intensity.

  81. Sean D. Martin

    #7. I have fond memories of the original Space Ghost from when I was a kid, and my kids love Batman Beyond. Som something for all of us.

    (Close second: #1. I don’t think adding Rococop to the mix adds much. I’d prefer a regular Batman foe or, even better, basic back-alley street punk. But I do like the leather mask. Takes Bats back to pulp roots.)

  82. Doug Snow

    So many great images it is difficult to pick a favorite! I will go with Strange Science Fantasy. That image just grabbed me and made me want to know more!

  83. David Smith

    I vote for Borg Troopers.

  84. Cori Gates

    #11 Wolalina — I see a story there.

  85. Mark Patterson

    My favorite cover would have to be the Johnny Recon. You’ve got the scantily-clad babe, the retro spaceship in the window, the ray-gun, the Space Patrol jacket and the booze. It’s noir without being glum. And it’s color scheme makes even the garish ray-gun look muted and subtle. A beautiful piece.

  86. Jane Williams

    I love the grrl power in Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A.

  87. Nick Ignacio

    I love the homage to Strange Science Fantasy. Great job, JK!

  88. John Sanders

    It’s so hard to choose one, but I’ll go with Strange Science Fantasy. It’s bizarre, but that’s good.

  89. Glenn Hakanson

    #3: The sense of rapid motion and the glowing/lightening eyes are so intense. Also, I would not want to be whoever she is after! Chilling!

  90. Aidan M. Moohan

    LOVE the Spider-Man one (8) that is really cool.

  91. Billy

    Ghoul +1 (yeah, I know I’m not eligible!) 😀

  92. Garrett Payne

    Space Ghost/Batman Beyond is my fave, although it was hard to choose. 2 of my favorite characters.

  93. Eric Qel-Droma

    Steam Witch. Sexy but filled to the brim with action and attitude. Makes me want to read the book.

  94. Jessica Morton

    I gotta go with Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A. I want a big poster of that.

  95. ckeszycki

    I really can’t pick my favorite I really like them all. All I have to say is J.K Woodward has some major skills.

  96. j d cason

    Batman/Robocop is my fave.

  97. j young

    Borg troopers, hands down. It’s the best of both worlds.


    I agree that they all look GREAT & would be estatic to own any of one them. I have always been a fan of Fallen Angel & J.K.’s artwork since day one. I finally narrowed it down to 2 choices…

    #3 Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 – This is just a stunning image unto itself. The sheer power of this Image is breathtaking & Heart Pounding. The color scheme make it that much more impressive. This cover made it one of the 1st books I snagged off my LCS shelf. .

    & #9 Steam Witch – Sci-Fi at its best – HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!




  99. Steven Crowder

    Gotta go with Wolalina. I wanna see more. Great job.

  100. Sharon Ernst

    Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover “A” for “Awesome!”

  101. Scott Duke

    The Borg Troopers rock my world.

  102. Jeff G.

    It’s a toss up between #1 and 2 for me, but in the end I’ll go with Batman/Robocop, as Batman is my favorite comics character.

  103. wes scalzo

    Johnny Recon. I detect several bits of symbolism in it.

  104. Dan Crowther

    That’s a toughy. I gotta Go with Batman/Robocop, but Fallen Angel: RotS Cover A is a close second.

  105. Ron Crisp

    I like the composition of Steam Witch. There’s a lot of interesting things going on in the picture. Excellent work.

  106. S Wagner

    I like them all but I think I would have to choose #9 “Steam Witch.”

    Good work, guys!

  107. Carrie Mitchell

    I really like Spider-Man and his Amazing friends, with Fallen Angel cover A a close second.

  108. Todd Cumbow

    Tough one, many strong ones. I’ll go with Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A.

  109. Shannon Thompson

    Borg Troopers we are huge star wars fans in this house and this picture is well just freaking awesome…


  110. David K. M. Klaus

    I’m afraid for me it’s a tie between leather-cowled Batman and Robocop reflected on the batarang and the combination of Batman Beyond and Space Ghost. Both are cool, and amusing in each their own way.

  111. Billy Dunn

    Strange Science Fantasy, because it’s so… oh, what’s the word… strange.

  112. Tim Graves

    Do I have to pick just one? Sigh. Batman/Robocop. I like the seams on the bat costume.

  113. M Olsen

    My favorite is #11 Wolalina. Great image!

  114. Hilary Anderson

    I choose Fallen Angel cover B (#4). I like its use of light and the glowing effect.

  115. Austin Cameron

    Steam Witch! For the steampunk in me.

    -Austin C.

  116. Kim Carrion

    Spider-man and his Amazing Friends. Also a fave childhood cartoon of mine.

  117. Lauren E.

    It’s between the Batmen for me, but I’ll side with Space Ghost/Batman Beyond. I have found memories of both shows.

  118. Corwin Thompson

    I think Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A will be my next iPhone wallpaper.

  119. E.D.B.

    More Wolalina please. I vote for it!

  120. Virginia Wright

    I choose Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. They’re all good, but this one has a sense of lighthearted adventure I like.

  121. lphillips

    For me it’s Space Ghost & Batman Beyond. I wonder if those were paired up for a painting because of the contrast between their two costumes.

  122. Dino D

    My favorite is the Space Ghost/Batman Beyond art piece!!! Looks awesome!!!

  123. Leenie

    My favorite one is Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover B.

  124. C.J. Epps

    Batman/Robocop is the one I like best.

  125. Liz Gover

    My pick: Fallen Angel Return of the Son cover A.

  126. Jon Harbou

    I’m a big fan of J.K. Woodward’s work on Fallen Angel, so I’ve got to go with Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1 Cover A. –Jon

  127. Peter Ranaudo

    I’ve gotta go with #1 Batman/Robocop too.

  128. Rich M.

    I’ll vote Strange Science Fantasy. I really like the aged look and the bizarre imagery.

  129. CatG486

    I’ll go with Strange Science Fantasy too. I like the weird!

  130. Davon

    Borg Troopers rules. Great job J.K.

  131. Molly Gilbreath

    If a girl blasting away with guns can be cute, then Wolalina is. I vote for it I’d read her comic. Thanks for offering the sketch cover contest!

  132. Jeff Johnson

    I’d have to go with #3, the Fallen Angel (a) cover

  133. Psych0

    I like number 2 the most.

  134. Alan

    Spiderman and amazing friends is awesome! love the colors

  135. Bill Ives

    I vote Borg Troopers. I guess that’s what happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object!

  136. Grant Freeman

    Batman/Robocop. Reminds me of Lee Bermejo’s Joker art.

  137. John Rodgers

    Gotta go with #2!

  138. matty b

    Gotta go with #1 because Batman and Robin is my favorite movie of all time

  139. Simon Frost

    I’ll pick Wolalina. Sweet art.

  140. Ford R.

    It’s hard to pick, but I’ll go with Fallen Angel cover A since I read that comic out of the ones shown. And it looks even better here than the printed cover on the comic.

  141. Austin

    My favorite of the paintings would have to be the Darth Vader & Predator Borg painting as it captures a mix of my favorite iconic sci-fi characters. Of the cover art, #1 would have to be my favorite as well for I love the comic and that cover in particular is a beautiful image of her.


  142. Terry Mitchell

    Strange Science Fantasy is awesometastic!!

  143. Greystar

    I gotta vote for the incredibly detailed Batman/Robocop.

  144. Joe Brogan


  145. Mike Campbell

    Fallen is one of my all-time favorites. It’s one of the series that got me into comic collecting (at the ripe old age of ~48), and it was fantastic to meet JKW at my local comic shop, The Comic Bug, in Manhattan Beach, CA; so I’ve got to go with #1.

  146. E. Jada

    Space Ghost & Batman Beyond. I love those shows and you captured them perfectly. –J.

  147. Vincent Peeper

    I really like the Batman/ Robocop. It looks great and there is a movement to get a Robocop Statue here in Michigan.

  148. Evic

    Huge Space Ghost fan so that with Batman Beyond is my fav! Thanks for the contest!

  149. frank

    They’re all awesome but the Borg one blows my mind.

  150. Andy


    The contest winners have been chosen via an online randomizer. The winners are:

    Hollie Buchanan and C.J. Epps. Click this link for comment details so there’s no identity confusion:

    Hollie and C.J., send your mailing address to to claim your prize. You have exactly 96 hours from when this comment was posted to do so, otherwise we will randomly select a different winner.

    Thanks everyone for participating, and stay tuned to we’ll be announcing another art contest very soon!

  151. Andy

    UPDATE #2!!!

    Contest winner Hollie Buchanan never claimed her prize, so we have re-activated the online randomizer for our new winner, Rich M.! Click this link for comment details so there’s no identity confusion:

    Rich M., send your mailing address to to claim your prize. You have exactly 96 hours from when this comment was posted to do so, otherwise we will randomly select a different winner (again).

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