IDW Reviews: Infestation 2 #1

Infestation 2 #1
Publisher: IDW
Writer: Duane Swierczynski
Artist: Davide Messina & Valerio Schiti
Cover: Alex Garner

Infestation 2 is the new title-spanning event from IDW that will incorporate some of their popular characters into another universe threatening story. Like in the original Infestation, we will see the Transformers and G. I. Joe, but we have three new titles added to Swierczynski’s tale. New additions are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dungeons & Dragons, and 30 Days of Night.

This time, instead of zombies, the IDW titles are being invaded by the Elder Gods of H. P. Lovecraft fame. Fueled by the power of his cult following and the mystical Artillica, monsters begin appearing all over the world, which prompts an investigation from the C.V.O. (Covert Vampiric Operations). However, they’re not the only ones interested in the strange happenings, as a shadow organization known as Oblivion is already a few steps ahead of them.

After having mixed feelings regarding the Infestation event, I had several reservations about picking up Infestation 2. Well, much like the original’s first issue, this one was a great set up to the event and was a very fun read. Swierczynski does an excellent job at laying things out and getting you to want to read what’s going to happen in the other titles. He also cleverly works in H. P. Lovecraft’s works and life into this tale, and his spin on it helps to solidify the event’s beginnings. Not only that, he also gives those of us who aren’t too knowledgeable about the C.V.O. a very comfortable introduction to them. Though a couple of the introductions are less than stellar, they serve their purpose. Britt’s immediately comes to mind since it was as utterly ridiculous as it was funny. She’s tasked with non lethally stopping the possessed con goers. So putting bullets in their legs and thighs is the best way to do that? Guess bleeding to death isn’t a concern of Swierczynski’s.

When it comes to the art, the prologue done by Schiti is one very strong intro. The rest of the book is handled by Messina, and there is a distinct difference between the two styles. Where Schiti’s characters held plenty of detail and style, Messina’s has a bit less but was very good to look at all the same. One of the stronger looking sequences involves two CVO agents fighting against amphibious creatures. It would have been nice if most of his pages looked as good as this. Though, it was quite humorous (and a bit ridiculous) that Agent Britt goes from the usual double D comic breasts to a triple F all in one panel.

As good as Infestation 2 is, the real test will definitely come in the upcoming titles and how this story ends. With writers such as Mike Raicht, Chuck Dixon, and Tristan Jones (to name a few), IDW is hoping that this will top last year’s event. So far, Infestation 2 is off to a very good start, so once again I’m on board, and if things stay this way it’ll be worth staying on till the end.

Infinite Speech

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